Hello my name is Jasper and another year has come and gone. I can hardly believe it's 2013. A chance for a new beginning, a fresh start. Old things are put away and we look forward to what's ahead. Each year I look at the new year as a new beginning. All my mistakes, regrets and whatever are forgotten and I feel refreshed and brand new. I want to make new plans for myself and watch it materialize within the new year. I stop worrying about what I didn't do or what I should have done and focus on promising things of the future. This is going into my fourth year as a quad and except for the obvious nothing has changed for me. I have the same desires and feelings, same motivation I had before the accident. Every new year just brings all that alive for me. So I urge you, whoever you may be, don't worry about the year past, but rather take this opportunity to focus on what lies ahead. Your faith, good or bad, all depends on you. Your attitude determines your altitude. Happy New Year.