Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Keep your chin up

Hello my name is Jasper and I am a quad.

I have been a quad since April of 2009 and although I live in a very nice recovery center, adjustment hasn’t been easy. I try to stay positive- I smile a lot, I talk with other clients. I know just about everyone by name, yet sometimes my situation still gets the better of me. As best I can I try to follow the routine that’s laid out for me. I have even been told by a Pastor that I would hear from God one day and he would tell me to get up and walk. I’ve had more than one person tell me they’ve been in my condition and now they’re up and walking. Still sometimes it’s a bit much for me to bear. So many complications to get past. Lately I’ve been having a lot of anxiety coupled with a touch of pneumonia. I try to smile and be positive and tell myself one day it will pass. I am saying all of this because you may be going through something as a result of your injury, but holdfast, be strong as possible, and above all be positive. Even though we have setbacks God spared us, that means we have some more living to do. Children that need us, parents need us, friends who love us, and at all times remember God knows best! Keep your chin up and continue on.

My name is Jasper and I am a quad. Good-bye

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Think Positive

Hello my name is Jasper and I am a quad.

I've written a number of blogs and in all my blogs I try to create a positive image. It is said "as a man thinks", so is he so if we think positive we will be more likely to do positive. I try to find something positive or humorous in everything I do. As I ride through the hallways in my recovery center I speak to everyone I can, try to remember each person by name, and always greet them with an uplifting attitude. This is just a small thing but it has a lot of meaning, not only for me but also for the people I speak to. We no longer can do a lot of the things we used to so we have to think of new ways to fill our days. It can be by participating in things we have never done before. I never used to play BINGO a lot because I consider it to be an “old folks” game, but that’s one of the activities that are offered here. At first I wouldn't play but with some encouraging from the staff, I began to play and now it is one of the activities that I most look forward to. I also try to join in whatever is going on at the center- it helps to not only fill my day but gives some meaning to my new life. So my message is stay uplifted, don't be afraid to change, try new things, and above all stay positive.

My name is Jasper, good-bye.