Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Let God Take Control

Hello my name is Jasper and I'm a quad. I live in a rehabilitation center so I often see crippled bodies, people who are much worse off than I am. Some cannot move at all, some cannot speak, and some have emotional issues. But I say to you today, that the Lord is still in control. We must learn to look to him for our strength and the desire to go on. I don't know why he hasn't healed me or some others, but I still believe that he can and he will in his time as he sees fit. I'm thankful just to be alive because I know had it not been for the Lord I would be dead. I survived a life of drug addiction, and two near fatal car crashes, and I know in my heart that it was the Lord who saved me. I don't worry very much, I don't worry pretty much at all. Why should I be disturbed over things I can't control? Instead I just praise the Lord for what I do have. I can think, I can talk, I've been blessed with a wheelchair so I can move around, go places, and interact with people. I'm still blessed. So when you feel down and out, just remember you don't have to worry because the Lord who loves you is in control. If you talk to him, He will answer you and He will take care of any situation you may be in. You have to believe that.

My name is Jasper, love you, goodbye.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Don't fall Into the Trap

Hello my name is Jasper and like most of us I have issues in my life. Little things that just pop up that annoy us. But don't let the little things in life distract you from what you should be focusing on. You may own a business or desire to own a business, you may already be in some school, or raising a family. These things require all of our focus if you are to succeed. Don't let little things such as someone telling you you "can't do it", doors that are closed in your face, setbacks and failures. Don't let these things stop you from your goal, these are just traps set up by the enemy to throw you off. God wants only the best for us, he points us in the right direction and he has a gift or a blessing at the end of our labor. But the enemy throws obstacles in our way to throw us off track. People that don't like me, people that hurt my feelings, feelings of inadequacy, feelings of failure thinking that certain things are for other people and not you. These are things that come to our mind because that's where the enemy attacks us. We must look past this and understand that if we give it our best, the Lord will do the rest. He only wants success and joy and happiness in our lives. We must come to a point where we understand this and that will increase your desire to press forward. It's good to know that the Lord has our back and that He will always be with us to help us, to guide us, if we allow Him to. He said in his word that "If I be for you, who then can be against you?" This should be a great comfort and support to you in life. You can do whatever you desire to do, because He will give you the strength to succeed. "I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me". Believe it.