Thursday, May 14, 2015

How is your life?

Most people desire to have a happy and fruitful life. They wish to live long, watch their kids grow up, and enjoy life in general. But sometimes it's not that easy. There are forces of darkness that seem to interrupt us. Believe it or not, there was an angel in Heaven that was named Lucifer. Lucifer was allowed in the throne room with God himself. He was the most beautiful angel, he was so beautiful that when he walked beautiful music would play. But then he began to get beside himself, even thinking that he was equal with God. Soon, he began to think himself better than God. He was banished from Heaven and one third of the angels who followed him went with him. He is present in the earth, and he hates God, so he causes all kinds of damage and mayhem in our lives. He does this because he knows that we are God's creation, and God loves us. He goes about the business of making us unhappy, trying to ruin our lives. He will make us do things to ourselves, or even kills us. He can only do this by influencing us to do things to ourselves. He has no real power because the Lord defeated him by going to the cross. He would kill us all if he could, but he can't because God won't let him. Although he has some power, don't take him for granted, but we don't have to fear him because God did not give us the spirit of fear. We have the Lord Jesus on our side to fight for us. Lucifer, who is sometimes called Satan, tried to use Jesus in the wilderness. But Jesus defeated him by using scripture against him. We have the power to do the same. When you feel in your mind you want to do something that you know you should not do, just call on the Lord and He will give you strength to defeat Satan's attack. Satan's spirit is no match for the God spirit that Jesus put in us. We have to learn how to use the spirit inside of us, when to call on Him for strength and guidance. We must first of all believe and understand that He is the living Son of God. Anything that we desire to do that is good comes from our Jesus spirit that's inside of us. Things like compassion, understanding, meekness, love for your brother- these are the things of God. Lord Jesus promised us if we keep His commandments, we will live a long and productive life. He will keep the enemy away from us. He will increase our faith, and we will be heirs of the kingdom with Him. Satan knows this, so he tries to make us do things that are against God's word. So I ask you, how is your life? Take a look at your life and see, is it prosperous? Or is it always in turmoil? If things seem to always go against you, or you seem to hurt people and do wrong things, you're following Satan. If you have happiness and joy, love and apathy for someone else, you're serving the Lord. So take a close look at your life, and decide who you are serving, and remember you can't serve two masters.