Monday, October 24, 2016
Stand up and get counted
Hello to my brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that you are doing well and blessings are coming your way. Dear Lord, I pray that every thought and word that springs fourth from my mouth, comes from you. The world seems to be getting more unrighteous with each day, they are only concerned with themselves and have little or no respect for anyone else. But we that are deeply rooted in Christ, must speak out against the evil we see. With nothing but faith, and the Lord's word, be his lamps in a dark and cold world. We have to show the world it's good to help someone, it is ok to walk away from the drama, It's a good thing to pick up a bible, read and let the Lord embrace you. The news today is filled with confusion, murder, our babies are being killed, car jackings and home invasions. We know that we are blessed to be covered by the precious blood of our Lord. The Lord we serve wants us to be an example to the unsaved, the same way He was an example to those who wish to follow Him. I know that I pray that l can be a blessing to someone today. I can minister to someone who is hurting inside. I pray that the Lord would use me to help console a heavy heart. So my family in Christ Jesus, love you all and my prayers are with you.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Listen to GOD
Hello to my brothers and sisters in Christ, my name is Jasper, and I greet you in his holy name. I pray that you are doing well and happy. I also pray that you are paying attention to the things that are going on in the world. Don't allow yourself to get so distracted that you don't notice the horrible things that SATAN is doing. We, God's people must pray hard for those poor innocent victims murdered by the police. We need to also pray hard for our innocent babies that are being killed by reckless gunfire. We are killing each other over things that don't really matter. The people that shot into a car killing that child, just because they were asked to stop with the fireworks and go home. The police seem have gone berserk the way they have been behaving, and its all across the country. You're almost afraid to pull over these days for fear of your life. The way that young man was murdered in front of his fiance after he announced he had a legal firearm, and was reaching for his license and paperwork. There are many accounts where the police shot UNARMED citizens, and got away with it. You may feel anger in your mind, but we have to remember and listen to the word of God. Vengeance is mine so saieth the Lord. We have to be reminded that GOD is still on the throne, and the world is his, HE will do as HE sees fit. AMEN. Our goal is to listen to the word, be obedient, and be the shining light of the Lord, for all the world to see. Our job is to be the example of the Lord, and be his ministers to those in need. We must believe that HE will administer justice to this unsaved world. Glory to the Lord for keeping us, and praise him for what HE has already done. Peace and love to you always my brothers and sisters in Christ. Again my name is Jasper and I love you all. AMEN.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Terrorism is in America
Hello my name is Jasper and I greet you in his holy name. I pray that the words that I write today, are blessed by the Lord. We are truly living in the last day's, and evil is on the rise. Our young people are killing each other at an alarming rate. Car jackings, rape, our babies being killed in their own front yards. Murder in our schools and school officials stealing money from our kids. The church must pray against these evils, and stand firm in our belief in His holy word. We should be that shining light of hope for the world to see. The Lord shed His precious blood for us, saving us for times such as this, so we can carry His message to the unsaved. Saints l encourage you to pray, pray, and pray harder for the victims in Orlando. Pray and don't judge, because we are all children of God. We must learn to love each other, but we don't have to condone the sinful act that a person may do. What happened in Orlando was a tragedy, and those victims were someone's son, daughter, parent, loved one, etc, etc, and etc. My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the fallen victims. It should not matter what their lifestyle was, God gave us all free will, and they will have to answer to the Lord, not us. He gave us the freedom to live as we choose and if you choose not to obey Him, you will have face the judgement. I also urge you to send out your prayers, for the young woman from the show, The Voice who was slain in cold blood. Evil spirits turned a man into a tool of death, and he cut short the life of a young woman who had a bright future. I know the pain of anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one to murder. We don't always understand, but I trust in the Lord and He doesn't make mistakes. I pray that my words will cause you to search your heart, and find love and compassion for the less fortunate. All praise and glory to the Lord. Love and peace to you all.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
The world and Katelyn Jenner
Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ my name is Jasper, and may the Lord always bless you. I just wanted you to pay attention to the things that the world thinks is important. Jesus said that most of the things that the world does is nonsense and it vexes his spirit. I was watching a television program, and they were focusing on the year Bruce Jenner was an Olympic Champion. He was glorified as the epitamy of manhood, a male icon for America. He was blessed with many lucrative endorsements, personal appearances, and so on. But now all of that is history as far as Bruce is concerned, his desire is to become a woman. To change the very nature of what the Lord made him to be. The Lord has declared that the Father frowns on what is unnatural. Those who choose to participate in the unnatural such as homosexuality, sex with children or animals, masturbation, whoremonglers, etc. But in the last day's it is written that man will turn away from God and go their own way. They will be consumed with their own devices, lovers of themselves only, greedy, puffed up with pride. That's why Bruce Jenner, who is now Katelyn Jenner is looked upon as a trailblazer. Gracing the covers of top magazines, receiving all kinds of awards. The world has little or no respect for the word of God. We the church must pray and stand up for what we know is right. Thank you and GOD bless you.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
A beautiful world, out of control
Hello to my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, l greet you with much love and blessings. I pray that you are doing well and the Lord is the focus of your life. I love you, and l prayed before I began to write, because I have this feeling inside of me l long to give to you. I pray that the message l hope to relate, touches someone who may be hurting and afraid to say. Touches someone who Satan has all bound up in something they can't handle, as he once had me. I pray that this message be inspired by the will of God, and will cause someone to stand up and declare that the Lord be the head of their life. My brothers and sisters l encourage you to reach out to the weak spirits and teach them to be strong. Take the time to help guide a young person to the right path. The world is turning colder and colder every day, shootings, car jackings, robbery, rape, our babies being killed in their own front yards. We as God's elect, must pray harder and longer, to come against these evil spirits. We are not merely church goers trying to convince ourselves we are good Christians. For if you are, well stop fooling yourself today, God sees what's in your heart. There is no fooling Him, hiding from Him, or out running Him. And one day you, me, and everyone will have to answer to what we did, or didn't do. We are in a spiritual warfare like it or not,and the Lord gives us free will to choose our side. I choose to be on the side of the Lord, l've learned some, and I'm still learning His word. The world is out of control, and the saints must be the Beacon of light that guides the unsaved to Jesus. We have to show the world by example that strength, love, peace, joy, and salvation can only come by Christ. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family. PEACE AND LOVE, AMEN!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Baby killers
Hello my name is Jasper, and I send you my love and my prayers. My brothers and sisters in Christ, we must come from out of our comfort zones and stand up for what is right. Each one of us is not only a minister for the Lord, we must be the light in this dark world. The fight may belong to Jesus, but we're his foot soldiers, fighting in the trenches for the Lord. He told us in his word that "I can do ALL things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me". Against my better judgment, I will watch the news and all you see is murder, mistreatment of people, fear, genocide abroad, and chaos in our own communities. The Lord will be back one day, because he said He would, and He is a God that cannot lie. When He does he is going to set everything in order. I pray that you have your business straight with the Lord, because if you don't, when He comes back it will be too late. Stand for what you know He stands for, what He gave himself to the cross for. When you gave your life to the Lord, you made a commitment to obey his word. His words are not to hide in fear and do nothing. So search your hearts and spirit, pray for God to guide you, and may the Lord always bless you. AMEN
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
State of emergency!
Hello my name is Jasper and I want to call your attention to the conditions, that we are currently living under. Saints of GOD, we can't afford to turn a deaf ear to this, nor a blind eye. He that lives in me is greater than he that lives in the world. With that in mind, we the church should stand steadfast whenever we see evil in the world. Remember that the Lord said we can do all things through Christ Jesus, who will give us strength, knowledge, and the shield of his precious blood. The world right now is in a state of emergency, and only the Lord can save us. Thanks my brothers and sisters in Christ, God Bless.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Study his word
Hello to all my brothers and sisters in Christ. May the Lord always bless you and your family. I pray that my words come straight from the spirit of the Lord that lives in me. We as children of God, are obligated to study our fathers commands, so that we become children HE will be proud of. Jesus said "if you love me you will keep my commandments".Also HIS words act as a guide as well as a shield against the evil one.I was invited to join in on a bible study by a friend, and I thought it would be a good idea. At first the studying seem to be fine. By the time we were going to end our studying, the teaching began to change. He stated some things that we don't teach where I worship and learn the word. Jesus said that, HIS followers must not be deceived when others come with false doctrine. In order to keep your head on straight, you must know your word because they will confuse you with good sounding doctrine. I found myself in this situation and it began to vex my spirit (thank you holy ghost). We must always be on the lookout for the enemy, who is constantly looking for a way in. His only job is to keep your mind off the word of God. He hates us because GOD made us in his image, and HE loves us even more than the angels in heaven. So be a good disciple for the Lord so when you have to stand before HIM, HE will say "well done my good and faithful servant. Thank you and may GOD BLESS!
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Things that I've learned at NCC
Hello my name is Jasper and I am a quadriplegic, and I pretty much have no use of my body. You may view this as the worst thing that could happen to you, well not so. Never give up or give in, keep a strong positive attitude, and above all don't forget whose running things. I don't know how you may look at your situation, but my accident changed my mind set and out look on life. When I first arrived at NCC, I was emotionly bankrupt, I was isolated in my room all the time. I would not participate in anything, and I was constantly on the pity pot. I didn't start to grow until I realized that life is truly a gift from God. Yours may not be the way you want it, but life is not over for you my friend. In fact, depending on your attitude, you could be on your way to a life you never thought you could have. First you realize that God saved you for a reason, and helping people with a loving heart, good things will come to you. I'm telling you from my own experience, my accident brought me closer to the Lord than I've ever been. Slowly things started to open up for me. By being friendly with a positive spirit l soon knew everyone by first name. I took the initiative to learn new things, and to try my best to upgrade myself.The world does not stop because I'm in a wheelchair. You have a choice to sit and do nothing, or look past your circumstances and become a member of society once again. I make it a practice to attend any (sci) spinal cord injury meeting. I'ts where I can learn about new programs and services that are designed to help us. They discuss how we can do things that other people do such as driving, traveling with a wheelchair, sky diving, driving boats, and much more. Also some of us may believe that for us relationships and sex is over, but that's not true. At the (sci) meetings we discuss adaptive equipment that enables us to have sex. There are also pills and other medical procedures to aid us. I've also learned by living at NCC, just how blessed l am that I'm still alive, I can see and talk and think for myself. I see people every day that have no idea what is going on around them, or can't control any part of their bodies. It should humble you and make you realize how blessed you are. I pray that you understand the point l'm trying to make to you my brothers and sisters that are in wheelchairs. My name is Jasper and much love to you.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
The Oscar's
Hello to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Once again I watched the world show just how one sided it can be, creating a problem. It all came about when there were no people of color nominated for any categories, even though there were black movies that were worthy. This sparked anger with some of the leading black actors, and they boycotted the Oscar's. Now this tells me to remember who is the author of confusion and unrest, Satan. I would take a guess and believe a lot of those millionaires are not connected to the Lord. I don't care who you are or how high you think you have reached, if you don't know the Lord, the enemy will come in and create chaos. Those people cannot overlook their brothers and sisters as if they don't exist, or not worthy enough for you. When you treat your own brother and sister wrong, this will surely bring the enemy your way. We as a nation of people must learn to love and support each other the way the Lord commanded, or it's all going to unravel. The Lord intended for all his children to love each other, respect, support, and be your brothers keeper. If we can never learn to do this, well when HE comes back, all I can say is, l'm glad I have a relationship with the Master. His judgment of the unrighteous will be swift and terrible. Peace and love to you and may the Lord always bless you and your family. Hello my name is Jasper.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Are you ready?
Hello to my brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet you in his holy name. May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you. I don't watch the news often, but I did last night. I have heard some people say that they prefer not to watch the news, now I can see why. It's full of some depressing acts of violence which make no sense at all. A man, for no apparent reason took a pistol and shot people at random. He managed to kill six, and injured two. A man is responsible for the death of a mother and her daughter. A four year old girl was shot in the head by a stray bullet. Four young kids brought a gun to school, with the intention of shooting some other kids. My brothers and sisters l want to remind you that, Satan said his greatest feat was convincing the world that he doesn't exist. But as you look at what's going on in the world, how can we deny it. The devil is as a roaring lion, roaming around seeking whomever he may devour.The Lord spoke of spirits and demonic spirits that will ruin our lives if you don't know Jesus. Demonic spirits are afraid of His very name, and He tells us how to deal with them in His holy name. Murder, greed, families fighting with each other, racial hatetred, crooked politicians, fear everywhere. We are living in the last days, and Satan's behind it all. But he will never win, because He that lives in me is greater than he that is in the world. The Lord defeated Satan when He gave himself to the cross. He bought us with HIS precious blood. We should always remember who we are, and whose we are and know that He is Lord. Ask yourself this question, when the Lord comes for his people, are you ready? Have you been living a righteous life, and having love for your brother as the Lord commanded? Or do you only think of yourself and your needs. Well don't worry about it, He will judge your lifestyle and the way you judged others. He said in His word, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. This is just something to think about, if He came back right now, are you ready? My name is Jasper, may the Lord have mercy.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Hello my name is Jasper, and may the Lord bless the readers of my blogs. The Lord has been so good to us for so long, how could we ever forget to give him his glory. He loved us before we were even formed in our mothers womb. He loved us when HE spoke our lives into existence and continued to love us as we sinned and made a mess of our blessing. While we were yet sinners, HE suffered for us. Even as far as taking our sins and vile lives, even our diceses to the cross, so that we could have a right to life. What an awesome and loving GOD we serve, the only true and everlasting GOD. Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord for you are so worthy of our praise. I appeal to you my brothers and sisters in Christ, take the time out of your day, to spend some time with GOD. Show HIM that you truly love HIM and you are his servant. I make it a habit to tell HIM thank you Lord, for opening my eyes, so that I can see another day l've never seen before. I thank God for this blessing called life and for every hardship I have endured to learn how to live it HIS way. I tried for a long time to live life my way. I always knew who the Lord was, but I wasn't going to be one of those church going Christian hipicrits. Not being connected to the true vine, the enemy took hold of me, and caused me to sink lower than l ever thought I could. My life soon fell apart, I was just a walking mess, alone, hurt, confused, and not one clue about what to do. But my Lord, my master, did not forsake me. HE took care of me in the middle of my chaos, and guided my steps towards HIM, thank you oh my Lord. Through the Lord's will, I have survived three near fatal car crashes. But the last one in which I broke my neck is the one that I'm thankful for. Although it put me in a wheelchair and a rehabilitation center, l became closer to the Lord than I've ever been before. So you see l am very GRATEFUL for his rod of correction. I know l have favor with the Lord, for scripture says, HE only chastises those who HE loves. I thank you Lord always for saving my gift called life. Saints of GOD may you always be blessed, and never forget to show HIM your GRATITUDE 😇 LOVE you all.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Life is good
Hello saints of GOD, may the Lord always bless you. I used to live a very sin filled life. I reflect on how l lived my life every day for the enemy, and how he kept me down and in misery. The Lord had blessed me with a wonderful young wife, and eventually a beautiful family. But I didn't know anything about how to deal with the tricks he would throw at me. I began to hang out all night with all kinds of women, doing drugs. I reached a point to where I began to spend all my money in the streets. I neglected my home, my job, and my friends. I lost my self respect, didn't care about me or any one else. My life had become a confusing mess for me. I didn't know what to do, I would not listen to anyone. But the Lord still loved me even though I didn't deserve it. He gave me all kinds of opportunities to help myself, but I was so stubborn and the enemy had me so bound up. The Lord had plans for me, and HIS will shall be done, no matter what. I had survived three near fatal car crashes. The second one l lost my wife, and still l would commit willful sins. I truly believe that the Lord just chastised me to save my life. I could have died out there on 1-94 that night, breaking my neck. But my Lord would not let me die. I became a quad and I began to get close to my Lord. I believe that He had a different plan for my life, but first I had to slow down, get right in my spirit. He slowed me down to give me time to see life clearly. I began to truly see just how good HE has been to me. The best day of my life was when I asked Him to be Lord of my life. There is only one way to live your life the way it should be, and that is in the care of the Lord. Take time to go to your quiet place and think about just how wonderful the Lord is to us. My name is Jasper, and I pray that you are doing well and happy in God's care. Much love to you saints of GOD.
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