Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Hello my name is Jasper and I have an opinion concerning Halloween.  I'm relieved to see so many parents have decided to do Halloween in a different manner than when I grew up.  You have to recognize and understand the times that we're living in are often dangerous.  When I was a kid we would go in the streets and go to the all the stores we could and all the houses even if you didn't know the person who lived there.  Everything was safe.  No one really tried to hurt you in the street or there were no safety pins in the apples or any poison in the candy like it is today.  That's the reason that I'm so happy to see that parents have taken an active interest in their child's safety.  I've been hearing things such as a parent won't take their child to a house unless they know the person who lives there.  I don't hear a lot about going to different stores but rather sometimes your company who will give a Halloween party or someone you do know will host a Halloween party where you can go in and feel safe.  My Halloween days are over but it's fun to watch my daughters Halloween their kids.  The kids love dressing up in the different costumes, especially the girls who are little princesses on Halloween.  So bare in mine what type of world we live in and take your child out and Happy Haunting!  

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