Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Day

Here it is again, Christmas day is upon us. I pray that all is well with your family on this day. I don't know what Christmas day means to you- to some I know it's a chance to go spend a day at your family's house, get drunk on free liquor. I've seen families have a very festive time. Everyone loving everyone, everyone getting along and thanking the Lord. I think of my own family during Christmas day- my girls whom I adore watching how they've grown. Remembering how I used to hold them close to me when they were babies, remembering how I used to just lay my baby on my chest and watch her go to sleep. Now they have babies of their own and it's fun to watch them too. They're loud, they're rude, sometimes they're cruel, but they're always fun to watch. Those are babies- those are children. Let them play and be who they are. So I just want to say have a happy and blessed Christmas day. Remember what Christmas is all about. It's not about gifts, it's not about you, it's not about your big car or even your family, you know it's about Him.

Thank you- this is Jasper and these are my thoughts.

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