Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rough Morning For The SCI

My name is Jasper and I'm a quad.  I have a C4 Spinal Cord Injury and as any SCI therapist will tell you every SCI is different.  Lately, my blood pressure has been like a roller coaster - up today and down today.  This morning my sinus' have been going wild.  Every morning or every day may not be the same for an SCI.  But still I like to bare in mind that my injury could be worse.  So as best as I can I try to make my way through it.  This is again the attitude we must have in order to recover.  We can't afford to throw ourselves a pity party.  That will only make you feel worse.  Keep moving forward as best we can until things get better.  This is what we must do every day.  Sometimes I just get bored.  I have to find some way to amuse myself.  I ride in my chair up and down the hall, I speak to people - everyone, I may crack a joke to ease my boredom.  These are the things I do to make it through my day.  I try to participate in every activity.  I can remember when I didn't want to be bothered with an activity but then slowly I figured why not.  Now I love to participate in what's going on around me.   

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