Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Don't Sit, Rise Up!

Hello my name is Jasper.

There comes a time in everyone’s life when we are challenged by certain events. It may be an auto accident or the death of a loved one, or you may be fired from a job, maybe going through a divorce- all of which are life changing events. Even though sometimes we may be knocked off our feet by an event I say that's not the time to sit, that's the time we must rise up and meet the challenge. We've all had the wind knocked out of us at some time or another, but staying down or throwing a pity party or sticking your head in the stand will avail you nothing. It is this time we must rely on God above to pull us through and we rise up and find answers to our problems. If we just believe that God will help us we feel better, we feel encouraged, we find new strength, we also find doors will start to open when we apply ourselves. There have been lots of people that have gone through life changing experiences and learn to overcome. I remember reading about a blind man who was a mountain climber. A girl who had her arm bitten off by a shark yet she still surfs. Christopher Reeves who became a quad did not stop his life because of his circumstances; he became an advocate and helped change the lives of many. You see with God as your guide you have an unlimited source of strength and power. All you have to do is rise up and tap into that power. You will find that you can go further than you ever expected. The enemy only wants to blind you and confuse you by bad events that happen in you life, but God will take those very events to groom you and make you stronger. So I say don't sit, and focus on your circumstance, but rather RISE UP and tap into the source and move on.
Thank you my name is Jasper.

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