Thursday, July 25, 2013

Vengeance is mine.

Hello, my name is Jasper and I'm a quad. I would like to give some of my opinion and express my concern about the Trayvon Martin case. When I first heard about the case I was surprised that a person of color, or any person for that matter, can be murdered on the street and nothing is done about it. It only shows that our court system is flawed. It can work for you or it can work against you, depending on the powers that be. In this particular case you have a grown man armed with a gun who was told by police not to pursue the suspect, ignored the order, and as a result shot and killed an unarmed kid. This was not a man fighting for his life as he claimed, but a grown man fighting a kid. To me it doesn't matter what the race may be, this was a gross miscarriage of justice. I know that we're only human and we have emotions and feelings. When something of this nature happens to us, our first reaction may be to lash out, fight back, get vengeance. But I urge anyone reading this message that our Lord said "Vengeance is mine". He said do not hold malice in your heart for your fellow man. Pray for those who spitefully use you, forgive those who have done you wrong. The battle is not yours, and vengeance is mine. I know this may be a very difficult thing to understand but the Lord said "If ye are truly my disciple, you will heed my commands". There have been many people who have sought justice through not violence. Ghandi, Dr. King, and Malcom X, and as we all know the results were outstanding. If you are striving to live a Christian life you may be called to do a lot of things that are difficult to do, but remember the Lord said "to follow me you must first deny yourself". We don't have the luxury of doing everything we want to do, but rather follow his instructions because he is Lord. These are my thoughts, may the Lord bless you. My name is Jasper and I am a quad.

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