Friday, August 23, 2013

He's Good to us

Hello, my name is Jasper and I'm a quad. Although right now I'm in a wheelchair, I know the Lord is still blessing me. Yesterday I went to a Tiger's baseball game. It was a beautiful day, I was with good friends, and I really enjoyed being part of the crowd. I liked watching people laugh, have fun, and enjoy themselves, especially the kids. They got a real kick out of the music that they play! This Sunday after church I'll be going to my high school reunion. Seeing old friends that I grew up with (we all went to school together) and after 40 or 50 years we're still friends. That in itself is a blessing from God. When He puts people in your life they are there for a reason. Sometimes they are there for only a season, then sometimes they stick with you through the years no matter what they watch you go through. Everyone does not have a blessing such as this. But I thank the Lord for having favor with me. I just go about my day and I appreciate the things the Lord has put in my life. Beautiful sunny days I can look upon, I'm always surrounded by good people that care about me. The Lord always gives people what they need. I'm in a wheelchair, I don't work, I don't have much money, but I live in a nice place, I'm fed every day, and I have clothes on my back. It's not my doing but it is my God's grace. So I encourage you to open your eyes and look around at the wonderful gifts that God has given you. Appreciate them. Goodbye, my name is Jasper.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Give Thanks

Hello my name is Jasper and I'm a quad. At the Neurocenter where I live they have different activities to keep the clients entertained and stimulated. We do such things as go on outings (I just came back from an outing to Belle Isle). I've gone to baseball games, the Opera, concerts, and parties. This Sunday I am going to a church picnic and it's usually lots of people and lots of fun. Here at the facility where I live I just came in from viewing some antique cars. They were beautiful! All decked out in different colors- Corvettes, Charger, Cobra, Nova, and a '63 Chevy Impala. The point I'm trying to make is even though I'm confined to a wheelchair God still allows me to enjoy life just as anyone else does. It's a beautiful day today. I can go out, feel the sun on my face, feel the warm breeze in the air, smell the flowers, and just partake in this wonderful life that the Lord has given me. I take the advice that my pastor gives us and that is I don't look at my circumstance, I don't dwell on the negative, and I look at life as a gift from God. I call those things that are not as though they were. I choose to praise God and thank Him for just allowing me to be here. Sometimes we don't have to have something great happening in our lives to give praise to the Lord. Sometimes praise Him for just being here. Praise Him for the little things- being able to see your grandchildren, being able to see friends from your school, being able to be around good positive people. These are all blessings from the Lord. Think about it- everyone may not have what you have, so appreciate it and give thanks. May God bless you and may God keep you. My name is Jasper and I'm a quad.