Friday, August 23, 2013

He's Good to us

Hello, my name is Jasper and I'm a quad. Although right now I'm in a wheelchair, I know the Lord is still blessing me. Yesterday I went to a Tiger's baseball game. It was a beautiful day, I was with good friends, and I really enjoyed being part of the crowd. I liked watching people laugh, have fun, and enjoy themselves, especially the kids. They got a real kick out of the music that they play! This Sunday after church I'll be going to my high school reunion. Seeing old friends that I grew up with (we all went to school together) and after 40 or 50 years we're still friends. That in itself is a blessing from God. When He puts people in your life they are there for a reason. Sometimes they are there for only a season, then sometimes they stick with you through the years no matter what they watch you go through. Everyone does not have a blessing such as this. But I thank the Lord for having favor with me. I just go about my day and I appreciate the things the Lord has put in my life. Beautiful sunny days I can look upon, I'm always surrounded by good people that care about me. The Lord always gives people what they need. I'm in a wheelchair, I don't work, I don't have much money, but I live in a nice place, I'm fed every day, and I have clothes on my back. It's not my doing but it is my God's grace. So I encourage you to open your eyes and look around at the wonderful gifts that God has given you. Appreciate them. Goodbye, my name is Jasper.

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