Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Strange and Peculiar People

Hello my name is Jasper- Praise the Lord!

The world- and when I say the world I'm talking about those people who live by their own agendas. The people who don't believe there is a God. The people who speak against God. The Christian people that know God but seem to always go against His word. I'm talking about society at large. They believe that if someone hurts you, you almost have a responsibility to hurt them back. They're often selfish people thinking only of themselves, some of them never express love or understanding towards another person. They have their own idea of what is good and fun in their lives, some of them feel that they create their own circumstances in life. But there is a society of people who make up the church the way God intended them to. They live and are guided by the word of God, they don't do as the world does. When they are confronted with a situation they always remain calm. When people show hatred toward them they are quick to understand and forgive. They are quick to pray for that person and always show them kindness. They help people that they don't even know and are happy to do it. They don't practice the things that people in the world do. This society of people don't drink, they don't believe in body art or body piercings, they don't believe in any violent behavior, the only time they dance or shout or show any outward emotion is in praising their God. The world view these people as "different" and "strange". "Strange" because they don't act the way most people do. The reason for that is they live their lives according to God's word. They live a life of meekness and forgiving, keeping their bodies clean and holy as the Lord commanded. They live as it is said by Jesus himself "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God". The world looks at these people and their strange habits and they don't understand, how could anyone be that nice and understanding? That is because they don't know the word of God. This type of life is for anyone that wants it, but you must first come to the Lord- His arms are open and He waits for you. He says "I come to give you life and that more abundantly. Take my yolk upon you, for my yolk is light and easy" meaning if you live your life according to the word of Jesus you will surpass many obstacles. Your life will be smooth, calm, and easy. You will learn to love others as He has loved you. So I urge you to come to Jesus and you will then understand the "strange" and "peculiar" people.

My name is Jasper, and God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Hi jasper for those who are doing their own thing; the word says every knee shall bow and every tong shall confess ,JesusChrist. is Lord
