Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Resolution

Hello my name is Jasper, Praise the Lord!

Well soon it will be a new year. As the new year approaches I think of things of the previous year and I feel even more blessed to still be here. I wonder how many people think about what a blessing it is to be here, to see a new year. Every year you could hear people talk about New Year's resolutions- some vow to lose weight (that's a popular one), they vow to move up on their jobs, or they vow to get a new car, and they vow to reach other goals that are material. But how many people vow a resolution to get closer to God? Make a resolution to change your life on a more spiritual level. How many people vow that they are going to read the bible more often and to live God's word? How many people vow a resolution that they are going to love people more than they have before? The Lord said "Don't set your sights on material things, but rather look towards those things that are in Heaven". Make a vow to get in touch with the Jesus Spirit that lives inside of you. Make a vow to research the Lord Jesus and what He stood for. Those that believe that He is the Son of God, that He came to Earth wrapped in mortal flesh, did supernatural things such as raise the dead, heal the sick, made the blind see, and other wonderful things for people. How many believe that He took on our sins and all our sicknesses and, most importantly, He shed his blood for us, that we may have a right to everlasting life. He died so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. We did not deserve such an honor, but He did it out of love for us. Don't you think you should make a New Year's resolution to get to know more about a man like that? We live only because He died for us. I think people should vow to get closer to the Lord and you can only do that by reading his word. It's not about what family you came from, your race, what you believe in, it's not about your money or your social position, but it's about Him. Our lives exist only because of His love for us. Learn to love Him and you can only do that by learning His word, what it stands for, and vow to live it. That should be everyone's New Year's resolution. That's just my opinion.

Again my name is Jasper, and Glory to the Lord. Happy New Year!

Monday, December 23, 2013

God Speaks Through People

Hello my name is Jasper, all praise to the Lord. The place where I live is a rehab facility and I had a resentment against one of the female workers. I spoke to her in the hallway and she gave me a cold shoulder so I approached her again to try to find out why, she totally ignored me when I tried to talk to her. That made me angry, she is much younger than me, the same age as some of my daughters. I felt disrespected and I said to myself if she won't talk to me I won't talk to her. As a matter of fact I won't speak to her anymore and I'll totally ignore her. The Holy Spirit that lives inside of us will give you a little nudge to let you know you are doing something wrong. We must learn to pay attention to that feeling you have because that's God giving you a heads up. I didn't speak to her one morning and I speak to everyone in the morning, but when I didn't speak to her it made me feel funny. I felt it was wrong. When I went to church that next Sunday, they preached about love. The Lord commanded us to love one another just as he loves us unconditionally. It doesn't matter what a person has done to you, we must forgive them just as Christ forgave us. This is what He commanded us to do and He also said "If you love me, you will follow my commandments." The sermon really touched me and I felt as if the Lord was telling me through His word that I was wrong and I must make it right. So when I got back to the rehab, I approached the young lady and told her I wanted to speak with her. She can back shortly and we went to my room and we talked. I told her I had a resentment against her and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said I must get rid of it, I must correct my wrong and forgive otherwise I'm being a hypocrite to the Lord. Talking with her, she told me she knew what she had done and she was having an awful day. As a matter of fact what she was going through that day made her go to the lady's room and cry. I appologized to her and she appologized to me and I found out that she's a wonderful person. It was just an unclean spirit in me that told me she ignored me so I must ignore her, but this is not the way God said we should live. We have to always express love to those around us so that they may see the Jesus in us. We must always be aware that the enemy is always looking for a way to gain. Put on the whole armour of the Lord and be ready to deal with the enemy when he comes. I want to say to you never forget who you are and whose you are. Again my name is Jasper. Praise the Lord.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

With me all the way

Hello my name is Jasper, praise the Lord.

I turned 60 years old on December 11th, and even though I'm in a wheelchair I feel great. I'm 60, feel 40, act 30, and it's all a blessing from God. I know this because I know all the abuse I've put this body through and yet some people didn't want to believe I'm 60. I know in my heart it's the Lord's blessing to me because I couldn't help but think of my drug using years, the sleepless nights, the garbage I put in my body. I was truly abusing my temple. The hanging out for long hours, sometimes long walks to get dope, having sex, just living an unsafe life. Someone close to me even commented to my surprise "Jasper, I never thought we would even make it to 50". I often thought about that statement and I said to myself "really, am I that bad?" Apparently so. But I know today that God continued to bless me even through my sinful ways. He has always provided a lot of support for me through friends and family, He has always pointed me in the right direction, and medically they say I'm somewhat sound. I say to myself "how could this be, when they check me they find nothing wrong?" But I know all the stuff they put in my body. It has to be the Lord showing me favor. I'm glad to be 60- it feels good to watch my children have children, I have friends that have been with me over 50 years, I still have my senses and my well-being even though I'm in a wheelchair. I feel great! I feel blessed to have so many people wish me well on my birthday. It's not me, but the spirit of the Lord that lives inside me. So when you're alone sometime think of the blessings that He has given you throughout your life. Think of all those that have gone on before you and you're still here. Trust me- it's only because of God's good grace.

Again my name is Jasper, praise the Lord.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What it's all about

Hello my name is Jasper, praise the Lord!

Once again I want to encourage my fellow Saints, my brothers and sisters in Christ. We are not to celebrate the upcoming season for the same reasons that the world does. They believe it's all about pleasing one another with gifts and all sorts of merriment, but I encourage you to remember what Christmas is truly about and it's the Lord's birthday. We are to be reminded of that special day when He was born and how He went about the business of changing the world, teaching God's people, and dying for us while we were yet sinners. Nothing wrong with buying gifts, being happy about the season- but don't forget about God. Don't get wrapped up and lose focus on what it's really about, loving one another just as He loved us. Doing for those who do not have what you have. Helping those who don't have the means to make their families happy. Reaching down and pulling your brother or sister up at a time like this. This is what the Lord God said that we should do, like any good father He wants to see all his children loving, supporting, helping one another to be happy. So remember don't get caught up in worldly things, but rather focus on the Savior of the world.

Again my name is Jasper, and we praise the Lord.