Thursday, December 12, 2013

With me all the way

Hello my name is Jasper, praise the Lord.

I turned 60 years old on December 11th, and even though I'm in a wheelchair I feel great. I'm 60, feel 40, act 30, and it's all a blessing from God. I know this because I know all the abuse I've put this body through and yet some people didn't want to believe I'm 60. I know in my heart it's the Lord's blessing to me because I couldn't help but think of my drug using years, the sleepless nights, the garbage I put in my body. I was truly abusing my temple. The hanging out for long hours, sometimes long walks to get dope, having sex, just living an unsafe life. Someone close to me even commented to my surprise "Jasper, I never thought we would even make it to 50". I often thought about that statement and I said to myself "really, am I that bad?" Apparently so. But I know today that God continued to bless me even through my sinful ways. He has always provided a lot of support for me through friends and family, He has always pointed me in the right direction, and medically they say I'm somewhat sound. I say to myself "how could this be, when they check me they find nothing wrong?" But I know all the stuff they put in my body. It has to be the Lord showing me favor. I'm glad to be 60- it feels good to watch my children have children, I have friends that have been with me over 50 years, I still have my senses and my well-being even though I'm in a wheelchair. I feel great! I feel blessed to have so many people wish me well on my birthday. It's not me, but the spirit of the Lord that lives inside me. So when you're alone sometime think of the blessings that He has given you throughout your life. Think of all those that have gone on before you and you're still here. Trust me- it's only because of God's good grace.

Again my name is Jasper, praise the Lord.

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