Thursday, January 23, 2014

Remembering MLK

Hello my name is Jasper, Jesus is Lord.

A few days ago we celebrated the birth of Martin Luther King. I'm old enough and blessed enough to have lived during the last years of Dr. King's life. During Dr. King's birthday celebration across the nation, my mind drifted back to things I remember about him. I could remember my family taking me along to downtown Detroit (Cobo Hall) to hear Dr. King deliver a speech. There were lots of people there and I remember it because it was the first time I saw The Temptations in person. They were entertaining the crowd, and like many others I suppose also lending their support. I remember being in Junior High School when Dr. King was shot. There was a lot of social unrest, and the older kids from High School came by our school and they were angry and throwing rocks through the windows. We were scared in our classrooms and were confused about what to do. I'm not sure I remember the trip home, but I believe my mother probably picked me up like she often did. I can remember the National Guard and the policemen walking patrols down our street, I can remember seeing tanks and armored vehicles going down our streets. The news on TV was just filled with violence all over the nation. They spoke of killings, brutal beatings, snipers, and it was a scary time. I can remember seeing troops camped at Central High School, which was one of the headquarters. They had so many tanks and trucks and soldiers on the school grounds, but think of the irony.  There was so much violence and social unrest, but Dr. King stood and died for his belief in non-violence. I'm sure that if he had anything to say about it he would not have wanted people to act this way. I'm sure he did not want his death to be a reason to go out and commit violence. I remember Dr. King in my mind and in my heart as a true man of God. He kept God's commandments and no matter how rough the times got he did not defer from God's word. He remained peaceful, kind, forgiving, and loving til the very end. He is a true example for all of us, just as Jesus was in His day.

My name is Jasper, praise the Lord.

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