Monday, February 3, 2014


Empowerment- to give power or authority to; authorize, especially by legal or official means. To enable or permit.

Hello my name is Jasper, praise the Lord.

The dictionary gives this definition of empowerment. It is to give one authority and power to complete a task or to go further in one's life. Empowerment also means to elevate yourself to a higher level, always pressing forward to a higher goal. This is why the Lord left us with the Holy Spirit- to give us power, strength, and encouragement. He left this portion of himself in each of us so that we may be able to complete any task that He calls us to do. Some people may become afraid or fearful of what lies ahead for them, but the Lord did not give us spirit of fear, but one of encouragement. And through faith in Him we are always empowered to move forward. Empowerment means authority- always remember we have authority over our lives. Authority also means something of great importance. When you are empowered you have no such thing as "low self-esteem" or a "self-defeating attitude". Empowerment means holding your head up high, chest out, taking long strides towards your goal with confidence. Empowerment gives you capable means of doing whatever it is you desire to do in life. You have complete permission by the Lord, through his empowerment to you, to have anything you desire. Empowerment permits you to be anything, do anything, complete any task which lies before you. There is a scripture that says "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me". That scripture speaks of empowerment through Christ Jesus to accomplish any goal you may desire. Any time you feel weak or feel that your life is somewhat in a rut, remember that scripture and remember that you are empowered by the most high authority. You have divine empowerment given to you through grace of our divine Lord. So with that in mind, why would one even consider the thought that you cannot do or complete whatever you want? It's just not so. Check your faith and remember- all things are possible to him who believes because we are empowered through Christ.

Hello again, my name is Jasper, and I am empowered.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for such a powerful posting, certainly on time for me in this moment. The insight and revelation given to you and your way of communicating them to us your followers is beautiful and clear! I look forward to reading more of God through you!
