Hello my name is Jasper, all praises to the Lord.
First of all I would like to start by saying that life is a precious gift given to us by our Lord and Savior. It's not to be taken lightly, it's not to be taken for granted, but it is to be appreciated and savored like a splendid meal. He wants us to enjoy it and all that He requires of us is to recognize Him for who He is. He's our Heavenly Father, we are His children, and He provides for us everything we need. I was thinking about that as I was meditating and reflecting on my life, thinking about the rehab center where I live, take my therapy sessions, interact with all the wonderful people who work there. I had no idea that I would have an accident on April 28th, 2009 that would change my life completely. But God knew, that's why He provided me with the insurance that I needed to be where I am today. I had only gotten the insurance perhaps a week or so before my accident. He provided care for me when I was in the ICU, He provided care for me in my first rehab, and then He sent me to a place called Special Tree where I began to learn some things, not only about my condition, but about myself as a person. Well I've been here for almost 5 years and in that time He has put many people in my life that have helped carry me to the next level. He also guided me to a new church home where I began to learn different things about Him that I had never been taught before. He has brought to me new challenges, and a new excitement about things that ought to come in my life. So I will be leaving the rehab center and going to my own apartment. He has provided for me a remodeled apartment with all brand new appliances, He has provided for me a full staff that will be with me 24/7, He has provided for me food and money that I can use toward my living expenses. Yes as I look over my life I can see where my Father provides for me everything I need. I see the obvious- I'm in a wheelchair and I'm pretty much physically helpless. I cannot do for myself but He, who is the great provider, gives me everything and everyone that I need. So as it says in the scriptures don't worry about what you shall eat, or what you shall wear, He said the Father takes care of the sparrow, and He cares for you much more than the sparrow. So why should you worry or have concern for your being? He will provide for you because you are His child, and like any good father He only wants what is best for you. So I say to you- learn of Him, learn what He requires of you, be obedient to His word, hear the word, believe the word, and then act upon the word, and you will be blessed.
My name is Jasper, praise the Lord.
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