Monday, August 10, 2015

What We Don't See

      Hello, my name is Jasper and I am a minister for the Lord. There are things that are happening around us all the time that we know about but we cannot see. Trees grow strong and tall, but we don't see them grow, or see the growth process that goes on under the tree. We can feel the wind brush across our face, but we can't see what propels it and moves it along. I am a quadriplegic and like many others, I know my limbs are there even though I can't feel them. Many things happen in our daily lives that we do not understand. I want to go somewhere with this and get you to see there are many things going on and we don't know why. As one person told me, it's kind of like a baby in its mother's womb. That baby rests instinctively safe, not knowing who feeds it, where the care comes from. It just knows it happens. There is a force or person outside of that baby's comprehension. It can't see its mother but somehow the baby knows she's there. When you think of it, it's kind of that way with a christian. No, we've never seen God, but we feel his presence at all times. We feel secure in the knowledge that there is someone much bigger than ourselves, much greater than ourselves, who sustains us. Scientists are men of logic but there are even some things that happen in life, nature that even they cannot explain. They have searched the ruins and found evidence that there was a man named Jesus who walked this Earth. No, we cannot see him today, but he wants us to believe in him anyway. I have seen evidence in my life of a higher authority, although I've never seen him. I could feel it inside of me that spiritual battle that goes on inside of me. I have had my mind set on doing something I know is right, but my mind convinces me to do the opposite and when that happens, there is a strange feeling I get inside as though I can feel someone saying, "See, I got you again!". Other times, when I have that battle, and I am thinking of doing something I shouldn't when I resist it, the feeling says, "I'm so glad I didn't". It feels as thought there are two people in a tug-of-war and I am in the middle of he rope. I'm being flung back and forth. Sometimes winning, sometimes losing. Just because I can't see this battle, or see who is doing it, does not mean it's not happening to the believer. We know this all too real. So, I have learned to do what is necessary to stay on the right side of the battle field. Let me ask you, have you ever decided to go one place and then "something" suddenly changed your mind? You say to yourself later on, "I don't know why I did that, I just did". Or, have you ever meant to say one thing that you felt was the right thing to say, but something else came out? You scratch your head and think to yourself , "why did I say that"? Well my friend, whether you believe or not, there are two forces working in your life at all times. You cannot see them, but if you pay attention, you can feel their effects. So I urge you to just try the holy way of life. For Jesus said, "be ye holy because I am holy". Be aware of the things you cannot see. Trust me, they are there. Again, my name is Jasper, may God bless.

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