Thursday, September 24, 2015

Insurance Companies Suck

Hello my name is Jasper, and I am a quadriplegic in a NeuroCare facility.

For some time now, there have been two things that are bothering me. One is which the insurance companies in Michigan are constantly trying to do away with the no-fault law. This law enables people with brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and other injuries to live in the better rehab facilities. It disturbs me to know that if they could they would totally do away with this program and we would have to go to nursing homes and other facilities. Most likely the care at these other places would be well below the standard of care we receive now. The other thing that disturbs me is the insurance companies did get a bill passed, whereas they no longer have to pay for personal outings for the physically challenged. There are a great many people in wheelchairs as a result of an auto injury, being ran over by an automobile, and they need constant assistance, especially with travel. I in particular have suffered since this bill has passed. I belong to a wonderful church, which I attended religiously, but now I can no longer get there because insurance won't pay for my trip. I cannot visit my youngest daughter or my brother, both who live in Detroit. They do not have a way to reach me, and I can no longer reach them. Again, because the insurance won't pay. I have missed a number of engagements I was invited to because I had no way to get there. This is just one example of how people in this country who are greatly in need of help do not receive it simply because of greedy corporations. The insurance companies have the money. They have more than enough to do the job they are required to do, but won't. So my fellow readers, supporters, the wheelchair community, anyone who relies on the insurance paying for your transportation to and from. I strongly urge you to contact any political ties that you may have and voice your opinion on this issue. We have people lobbying at the state capital, we have lawyers who are constantly fighting for our rights, and we must show support to them, aid them in correcting this wrong. Remember- the baby that cries the loudest is the one who gets fed first.

Again, my name is Jasper, I'm a quadriplegic, and we're going to make it because we have God on our side and He knows this is not right.

Thank you.

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