Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Prophecy

Hello to my brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet you in His
holy name. I stopped watching so much news, because it
can be depressing. I still hear things that are happening
and it reminds me of scriptures. I remember reading what
Jesus told his followers when they asked him, what will
happen in the last days. He told them a few things to look
out for at this time. Men will turn their backs on GOD,they
will try to erase the name Jesus from as many things as they can.They took prayer out of our schools, courts, and many
institutions. They don't want you to talk of Jesus in some
places, for fear it may offend some people. He also spoke
of men being lovers of themselves, hearts being waxed cold. Men having no love or empathy for their fellow man. There
will be wars and rumors of war. Silly women will take no good men into their homes. You may not be able to tell one season from another,and that chaos will be in many places.
 I urge you to  take heed to what is happening in the world today, and then read it in your family bible. If you are not a
believer in Christ, I understand but at least read, research
and compare your findings. This particular time in the world
which we are entering, is called '' the beginning of sorrows''.
There is  so much evil going on, how could you not believe.
Children murdering their parents, raping little children, Isis
committing genocide. As true believers, we must stand
against this evil. I am Jasper, may the LORD bless you. 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

My Life in a Rehab

                                    My Life In A Rehab

Hello to whoever is reading this, especially to those who are believers in the Lord. I wanted to start my message this way, because I believe He placed me here.
It is only by the will of God I bought the insurance when I did, otherwise I would not be at special tree today. He knew I would need coverage but I didn't. Just as
I didn't know that on April 28 09 ,my entire life was going to change. The world that I knew would cease to exist, and I was introduced to the world of a different
kind, that of a quadtrapaligic.I have always been the type of man that was spontaneous, now I need 24 hour care because my body is of no use to me .
But I thank God for saving my life, and guiding my daughters to special tree, a place none of us knew anything about. Through the years I've come to understand
that, it is one of the best rehabilitation facilities in the state of Michigan. When I gave my children the task of finding a rehab for dad, they had three in mind. But
what truly caught their interest in special tree was the way the V.P.Jack knew most of the clients by name. They told me aside from being very clean, it had a
family feel to it. The staff consisted of a lot of young women who in my opinion, do a job most people could not do, Taking care of a person who cannot do for
themselves, is not as easy as you may think. Cleaning up after a person who has soiled the bed and themselves, takes a lot of caring. Trying to help dress a
person, or shower them, even getting them to eat can turn into a nightmare. What the Lord was showing me was, when you have good health, family and friends
that care,each day you open your eyes, it is a blessing. You don't have to die to have your life taken from you. Being at the tree has shown me just how fragile life
can be. Take a minute or two and give thanks for keeping me safe last night, and then opening my eyes to see a new day. They told me that I was bruised and hostile
when I first arrived here. I went through a series of emotions and different levels of acceptance. I also had bouts with being in denial,which will keep you stuck
emotionally. But thank the Lord that the staff knew right where I was, and they let me be me until I was ready to change. They didn't try to pressure me, but slowly
brought me out of my shell. I began to be a little more open with people, and the activities department played a big role in my rehabilitation. A lot of the games and
activities that they offered, I never got into so I wasn't interested.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

What a wonderful world

Hello to you and praise God for His mercy. I have to admit
using a laptop computer is all new to me. But it is a beautiful thing to have in our world today. I like to get on the laptop and go all around the world and see the different customs
and experience the culture. I have been looking at the people of Brazil, and I must say they are very vibrant.
Also the landscapes are just incredible. They also have
some of the best beaches in the world. There is a dark
side to this heavenly paradise. They are pledged with
poverty and ghettos. For a lot of the men, there is no
work, so they turn to drug trafficking. The rich and well
to do, guard themselves from that side of Rio.Still it
remains to be one of the best vacation spots in the world.
Now along with Rio,I checked out a bit of the land down under. They too have a strong and very spicy night life.
So when you take that fantasy vacation, don't forget about
these two places. 

What a wonderful world

Monday, July 24, 2017

Surviving the day

First I must give all thanks and praise to our Lord, Jesus the Christ. Without you I would be helpless against the evil one. Lord you are my strength and my total salvation. My name is Jasper, and I've learned that every day is a blessing from you, and you use me as you see fit. I have absolutely no use of my body, so each day I don't like to waste. I fill my day by being that lamp for the Lord, people should see Him in me.
The calmness, the confidence, joy, contentment, love, and
caring. When there is unrest and chaos, you are calm because you are set apart from the rest of the world. People
should see peace in the midst of the storm and the spirit of the Lord should come from you. You have realized that He
who lives in you, is greater than he that is in the world. You represent the Kingdom of the Lord, walking upright, praying for those who won't pray for themselves, praying constantly
for the unsaved. Showing love to all of those who are around you.I try as best as I can to do His will, and that fills my day
with joy. I don't know what you think about your life each day,but if you feel that there is something missing, join us in
building up the Kingdom. This is Jasper and love from above be with you. 

Monday, July 3, 2017

Going through the storm

Hello to all the saints of God, may our Lord continue to bless thee and all that you love. As we walk through this thing we
call life, its not always smooth or even in our favor. People we thrust may turn away from us, we may be criticized for
something we had no hand in. Sometimes the storm can be
so overwhelming it seems to just smother our lives. When
we find ourselves in this portion of life, confused, hopeless
emotionally and spirituality drained, learn to just stand still
and know that He is Lord. The Lord our God is sinless,He
is Love, when we go through the storm he is in there with us.
In the Bible, the Holy word of God, He tells us in Matthew
that there will be times of longsuffering ,there will be pain and sorrow. But to count it all joy because crying will last
throughout the night, but joy comes in the morning. We
may go into the rough times but keep steadfast your faith,
don't waver to the left nor the right. History of Moses,Joshua,
Daniel and the lions den David and King Saul,the three
Hebrew boys and the furnace. These are some examples
of hard times, but through faith and obedience,the Lord
brought all of them through. He is still doing today what
He did back then, work miracles in our lives. Amen and
may God bless. 

Thursday, June 22, 2017

All About Hate

Hello, my name is Jasper and I have an opinion about a subject that has been around for decades. What I'm speaking of are  issues involving race, stereotypes, and racial profiling. I find it hard to accept that after all we've seen, been through, suffered, and lost, we still want to hate because of color. Its not just an American black and white issue anymore, its all over the world. People committed to ethnic cleansing, police shooting after shooting for no logical reason. To make matters even worse, we now have a leader talking about hitting people in the face if they don't agree with you. He will insult women, people of color, and anyone of a different culture. In this world today, we should embrace each other, not building walls between people. Being a committed servant of our Lord Christ Jesus, I must say, too many people are being ruled by the enemy, Satan. A lot of people don't understand nor believe in the spiritual world because they can't see or touch. But all the things that are happening in the world today were told to us thousands of years ago by Jesus himself. I'm in no way trying to push my beliefs and thoughts on anyone, that is just one of the things that makes this country great. You have the right to express
yourself as you see fit. I'm waiting for the day to come where people will understand that life is a precious thing and that hate is just wrong. Again my name is Jasper and I love you.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

stop, look, listen to the Lord

Hello to my family in Christ Jesus, I pray that He has truly blessed you. My name is Jasper and I know all to well how Satan will destroy your life, but only if you allow Him to. It took me a long time to come to the Lord, and to understand that it was  Him that saved me. Slowly he took me apart and I didn't see it because I didn't know the Lord like I do today praise the Lord. My life became a total wreck, drug addiction, separated from the people who love me, and set apart from my family.Just as it says in the scriptures, you must stay connected to the true vine or you'll be separated and all alone. If you find yourself apart from the Lord, The enemy will have his way with you. No matter what you think, we ourselves can't handle Satan. We need the power of the Lord, his word, strong faith, and unwavering loyalty to the Lord to see us through. Sometimes we run here and there trying to do God's job only to burn ourselves out, become frustrated and confused and spiritruly bankrupt. The Lord told us that the battle is not ours, and his arms are open wide to receive us. Just let go of everything and put on his yoke, for it is easy and light. He loves us and promised to always be with us, even to the end of time, watching over us. Sometimes just stop and take a good long look at your life. Examine how you got to where you are, close your eyes and listen for that soft whispering voice. In times such as these we must learn to worship our Lord the God of LOVE.Goodbye my brothers and sisters, love one another and remain steadfast in the faith.

Monday, June 5, 2017


Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, I pray that your life and mind is centered in the body of Christ. Think on this, if you are having a lot of grief, confusion, unrest, and hard times, you need Jesus in your life. I always knew who he was, but I didn't know what he was to my life. I didn't have a clue that Jesus is love and why he had to die so that I could live. Some people say they don't believe he is real and alive, but I know that he is. I'm a quad,I've had lots of time to reflect on my life and I can see that Satan had me bound up and hurt, but my lord set me free and saved me from a life of sin. It's a great feeling to know my GOD love me yesterday, today, tomorrow and evermore. As long as I keep my eyes on HIM, I have nothing to fear. He will do for me what I can't do for myself. He will go to the Father on my behalf and speak my name with love and compassion. His love for me will keep the enemy from me, my family, and people l care for. I love you master, I worship you, I give you praise for you are so worthy of all praise. With you as my Lord, l know l am truly blessed. He said He was going away to prepare a place in paradise for us, to be with Him. l urge you my brothers and sisters to get your affairs straight with the Lord, He is HOLY and cannot lie. He said He will be back and you don't want to miss the second coming of the LORD,You really don't. Much love and peace to you.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Believe in Him

Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, I have something on my mind I want to share with you. I'm a quad.,so I take life very seriously. My life is a precious gift
given to me by my heavenly father.Believe that your being born at that particular time, year, month, day, hour and so on,was no fluke, it was all planned by the Father. I'm talking
about things you can't touch, see, hear, or smell. Still you must believe that they exist, the new testament speaks of them often. When you give your life to Lord Jesus, and learn just who he is and what He did for you and me,He will open your eyes. You will understand the evil things that are in the world today, that the word of Jesus was true way back then, and how to protect yourself through His word.Lots,and lots
of the things Jesus said would come true are in the world today. Man would turn his back on GOD, homosexuality
would be considered normal to man, man would have little or no regard for his fellow man. The love of money would
take over a mans mind and make his heart cold. Man would
eliminate the word of GOD anyway he can, in the schools
in the corporate world, in the news media and radio. The
threat of war is always present, I urge you to get your affairs straight with the Lord, because nobody knows when He
will return, but He will.Goodbye and peace be with you. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Never Give Up

GREETINGS my brothers and sisters in Christ, I  Pray that our LORD has shone favor to you.He is a loving God that gives us grace, knowing we don't deserve it. Take a thought on how the LORD wants us to behave, then think on how we do behave. HE said love each other, not to murder, steal cheat, and lie the way  we do. The scripture says that  we are to be meek and lowly, slow to anger,quick to understand. we are to the world, strange and peculiar people because we live our lives by a different code of conduct. We don't react to things the way the world does. We follow the LORD,and obey his word,and trust that he will guide our steps.Living in our Christian life can be very painful at times, but we know that the outcome is worth it. The point I want to make is,pray, pray, pray,and have faith, because it is impossible to please GOD without faith.We have to reach a point where we see something out of place, or someone in spiritual pain, and we learn to minister to that person. The world is at a place where it's plane to see that it's good against evil.Everywhere you go now, people are afraid of getting hurt or worse. We can't allow the enemy to shut down our lives and shake our faith. Fight the enemy just as Jesus fought him with scriptures and solid faith. If you have not set your affairs in line with the Lord ...I suggest you do so. AMEN