Monday, July 3, 2017

Going through the storm

Hello to all the saints of God, may our Lord continue to bless thee and all that you love. As we walk through this thing we
call life, its not always smooth or even in our favor. People we thrust may turn away from us, we may be criticized for
something we had no hand in. Sometimes the storm can be
so overwhelming it seems to just smother our lives. When
we find ourselves in this portion of life, confused, hopeless
emotionally and spirituality drained, learn to just stand still
and know that He is Lord. The Lord our God is sinless,He
is Love, when we go through the storm he is in there with us.
In the Bible, the Holy word of God, He tells us in Matthew
that there will be times of longsuffering ,there will be pain and sorrow. But to count it all joy because crying will last
throughout the night, but joy comes in the morning. We
may go into the rough times but keep steadfast your faith,
don't waver to the left nor the right. History of Moses,Joshua,
Daniel and the lions den David and King Saul,the three
Hebrew boys and the furnace. These are some examples
of hard times, but through faith and obedience,the Lord
brought all of them through. He is still doing today what
He did back then, work miracles in our lives. Amen and
may God bless. 

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