Wednesday, December 19, 2012
It's Almost Christmas
Hello, my name is Jasper and although I'm a quad I still look forward to Christmas. Not in the same way I did as a child but I'm especially looking forward to being with family. My condition has made me much more affectionate toward family. Watching my daughters go through Christmas with their kids really gives me a zing. Watching my daughter prepare Christmas dinner, watching the grand kids run through the house full of joy really gladdens my heart. Just because you may be in a wheelchair or lost a limb or whatever your condition may be should not damper your spirit about the day Christ was born. I can hardly wait to be surrounded with all the love that I know is coming. It is also the time to reflect on past events of your life and knowing how blessed you truly are. I for one never overlook this point because I nearly lost my life twice. I know how blessed I am to still be here, to be able to share with family and friends, to be able to interact with the people around me. This is a season you should have nothing to be saddened about. The evil deeds in the world are diminished by the outward love people express at this time of the year. So I say do you join in, forget past differences, love on someone, family or not, and just be thankful for where you are right now. My name is Jasper, have a blessed holiday.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Hello, my name is Jasper and Thanksgiving for me is a time of reflection. I think back on previous Thanksgivings when we were all joined together as a family. Of course there's the food and the children, and that's something to be thankful for. Thanksgiving to me is a time when you should look back on your life and be thankful for where you are, and then pass on those feelings to someone else. The holiday says "Thanks" -thanks for all that the Lord has given you, all that he's given us, and the second part is the giving. Sharing of yourself- share your joy, share your life with someone else by giving. This holiday is truly much more than just a family meal. It's a time of love and giving that love to family and friends. Sharing and caring is what this holiday is all about. |
Thursday, November 15, 2012
The Motown Museum
Hello, my name is Jasper and I'm a native Detroiter who has never been to the Motown Museum. After I began to think about that I felt a bit ashamed that after all these years I had never visited there. It is truly a Detroit landmark loaded with tons of Detroit history. As I walked up to the building on West Grand Blvd and I stepped inside, the history began to engulf me. The tour guides were excellent as they began to describe how the Motown sound began. They told us about the Gordy family, their holdings, properties they owned, they explained how Berry Gordy borrowed $800.00 from his family and with the idea in his head and the $800.00 Motown began. It was amazing when the tour guides explained how one star who were then just kids lived right down the street from one another. When one kid entered Motown he went back and told a friend and eventually Motown had a stable of singers and performers all under 21 years of age. Right there on West Grand Blvd they were taught how to walk, talk, dress, and act a certain way because the lady who groomed them always told them they would be destined for greatness. They told us how Motown would take one song and remake it over and over, selling millions of records all over the world. Berry Gordy was a perfectionist in his craft. Sometimes he would polish a song for a year or two before he felt it was ready to be released. The sound studio was very simple. I walked in expecting to see a lot of fancy equipment but there was none. They were very inventive in the way they did things back then. Although, they did have a Steinway grand piano, the Steinway piano eventually wore out and it so happened that Sir Paul McCartney visited Motown Museum and had it rebuilt. I could go on and on about my feelings being in the Motown Museum and feeling all that rich history but here's what you should do...if you are a native Detroiter or a maybe not you should swing by the Motown Museum on West Grand Blvd to see where it all started. My name is Jasper and enjoy the trip.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
The Halloween Party
Hello my name is Jasper and although I'm in a wheelchair I still have fun. The facility where I live gave a Halloween party and to my surprise it was a lot of fun. Some of the workers dressed up in costumes and it was fun to watch them act a little crazy. They also had Karaoke, snacks and a costume contest. I really enjoyed the party and being around the people I live with. We all had fun. Wish we could do it more often. My name is Jasper and have a blessed day.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
It's About What You Believe
Hello my name is Jasper. I'm a quad. For the past couple of months I've been attending a church service where they promote self healing through spiritual beliefs. These beliefs come directly from the bible and you can actually heal yourself, someone else, cast out demons and overall enrich your life if you believe these things. The gentleman who teaches the class is known as an apostle lee. he prophesied over me and said that I would hear from the Lord and I can actually speak healing into physical existence. I was told that these things have actually taken place in church and I have to admit I have been there on occasions and saw people healed right before my eyes. I choose to believe that everything in the bible is true. And God is a God that cannot lie. And if he said he's taken all sins and diseases and paralysis and all sickness, He bore all our sicknesses on the cross. And it is said by my stripes ye are healed. I choose to believe that I'm exercising what I was told to do to call those things that are not as though they were. I don't know when the Lord will heal me but if I act according to His word I believe one day I will walk again. So hold on to your dreams and your faith, appease God and he may work a miracle in your life. This is Jasper and these are my thoughts.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
The Fall Season
Hello my name is Jasper and I'm a native of Detroit and although I may complain a little about the change in temperature deep down I do love the fall season. I just bundle up a bit more and I go out and I enjoy watching the leaves turn on the trees. You would think that by being a Detroit native I would be used to the change of the seasons but not so. I complain along with everyone else. But like I said deep down I do love the change in seasons even winter time has a special appeal. It's so beautiful to see the fresh falling snow cover trees and bushes. It's an awesome work of God as he paints a beautiful picture for us. Things for me are a bit different having to be in my wheelchair. I can't rustle through the leaves like I used to or go walking in certain areas admiring natures handiwork but still I get out and it's a blessing to be able to see the seasons change. I don't know where you may live, if you have one season or you don't have the natural growth that Michigan has but I do love it. Good bye my name is Jasper.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Be Yourself
Hello my name is Jasper and I'm a quad but still that does not stop me from being who I am. I don't know who you may have been before your accident. Sure the accident takes a lot out of us but in time it all comes back. I'm speaking about your personality, your humor, your spirit, your thirst for life and anything else you may have had going for you. Sometimes things seem as though they'll never be normal again but be positive, be yourself and in time the wounds will heal. I go places such as concerts, movies, I'm still waiting to go on a date....ha ha ha, but in time who knows, anything is possible. What I'm trying to say is life goes on and even though we were sidelined for a moment we're not out of the game yet. positive in your life, count your blessings, be a blessing to someone else, talk to other people in your condition who needs a pull up. There are so many things that we can do even in our wheelchair state. So be positive, be blessed and above all be yourself. My name is Jasper, good bye.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
"Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). That was the lesson that was taught at my weekly bible study. It started me to thinking about my situation because we all hope for something that we can't see. But this thing called faith sometimes is the only thing we have to hold onto. It's the thing that keeps us hoping and giving us the desire to continue on. We can't see the changes in our situation, or the healing that's taking place in our bodies, or the renewing of our minds, but nonetheless we have faith that it's there and it's happening. All we need do for this act of faith to work is to believe that it will and then be patient and allow it to happen. It won't happen overnight, that would be a miracle. But a faith walk will take some time. How much time? No one knows, but again we must have faith that it will happen. There have been many acts of faith that have been documented and told by many people. People walking after many years of not being able to, or someone seeing for the very first time, people suffering with a situation for years and then suddenly being relieved of that situation. There are times in our lives when all of us must exercise a certain measure of faith to get through a situation. Without faith, we have no hope. Without hope, the spirit dies. And when that happens, you're somewhat doomed. So hold on to your faith until the very end.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
No Limits
Hello my name is Jasper and I'm a quad. I would like to express to you my feelings about limiting yourself. We must learn that there are no limits because we are quads. I recently went on a fishing trip and they had a pole especially for me that was a sip and puff. I've never seen this type of car, but I was told there is a car you can operate with sip and puff. There are no limits to what we can do with determination and the technology they have today. I recently went to a jazz festival in downtown Detroit. There were lots of people everywhere but I managed to guide through them in my wheelchair. I went to all the jazz stages, I went to see all the vendors and I had a wonderful time. I did not limit myself because there were hundreds of people there. I did not let the size of the crowd intimidate me. I also went to my brothers house for a BBQ the following day because of the Labor Day weekend. All my children and grandchildren came by and I had a beautiful day watching my kids play with each other. I did not limit myself because my brothers house is not wheelchair accessible. We had a beautiful time right in the garage so I strongly feel this is something we must recognize. Don't limit yourself because of an event or the size of the crowd or some place that may be difficult. We can overcome almost anything if we want to. My name is Jasper and these are my thoughts.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Marriage and the Quad
Hello, my name is Jasper and I am a quad. I have been married twice in my life. My first marriage lasted 22 years. So, I feel as though I know something about the matter. But, I have never been married while being in a wheel chair. I was wondering to myself, what would that be like. I am sure all of the love, patience and all the other emotions are involved. But, still I wonder what it would like. It has to be something different. I would imagine it would take sometime for me to get over the feeling of being inadequate. For a man not being able to physically do things for his spouse. It weighs heavy on his mind. I believe as men, we are sort of trained as toddlers to be caring and nurturing towards our female counterparts. When you are in a position where you can't physically touch your spouse or being able to protect her if need be somehow makes you feel a little less than a man. So first, I believe for me I would have to get past that hurdle first. Not being able to do physical things for your spouse is like when a woman looses all her hair or looses a breast to cancer. It may not make a difference to her husband, but it is something that she has to mentally get past. So, since this is something that I have never experienced for myself I would appreciate some feedback.
Thank you,
this is Jasper
Thank you,
this is Jasper
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
What To Do When Negativity Sets In
Hello My name is Jasper and I'm a quad and just like anyone else we all have good days and bad days. You ever have one of those mornings when you just didn't want to get out of bed and it's hard to get motivated and you feel like you're already running out of steam? Well, imagine how that would be along with not being able to move and do for yourself. I find that when I'm in that state of mind that's all it is - a state of mind. It means I have to smile maybe a little longer, crack a joke or two, hold my head up and keep going! As I've said many times, being a quad we can not afford to throw pity parties for ourselves. We must always strive to press forward no matter what the obstacle is. This can be done by getting involved and being concerned about someone else instead of yourself. It's hard to think of yourself when you're giving yourself away to someone else. This will help to bring you out of that negative state of mind. Everyday is not the same for normal people so I know it's not going to be the same for me. It's just something I have to learn to deal with and it's called life. My name is Jasper and these are a few of my thoughts.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Rough Morning For The SCI
My name is Jasper and I'm a quad. I have a C4 Spinal Cord Injury and as any SCI therapist will tell you every SCI is different. Lately, my blood pressure has been like a roller coaster - up today and down today. This morning my sinus' have been going wild. Every morning or every day may not be the same for an SCI. But still I like to bare in mind that my injury could be worse. So as best as I can I try to make my way through it. This is again the attitude we must have in order to recover. We can't afford to throw ourselves a pity party. That will only make you feel worse. Keep moving forward as best we can until things get better. This is what we must do every day. Sometimes I just get bored. I have to find some way to amuse myself. I ride in my chair up and down the hall, I speak to people - everyone, I may crack a joke to ease my boredom. These are the things I do to make it through my day. I try to participate in every activity. I can remember when I didn't want to be bothered with an activity but then slowly I figured why not. Now I love to participate in what's going on around me.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Spiritual Hope
Hello my name is Jasper and I'm a quad. I recently attended a church service in which they give prophecy over your life. They pray for you collectively as well as individually. They lay hands on you as being some transference of power. As for me the Pastor felt in his spirit if my faith is strong enough I will one day walk out of this chair. I've heard some really amazing things that people gave testimony to such as a woman walking after 35 years of not walking. I've heard testimony of someone literally dying during the church service and they prayed for her collectively and she started breathing. Now I don't know where you are spiritually or if you believe at all but I do believe that spiritual hope is a vital part of our recovery. Spiritual hope to me is like that gambler who believes in his heart that the next role of the dice is going to be a winner and if you lose that than you may as well pack up and go home. There have been all kinds of physical, mental and medical miracles in the world today. Tell me how can a man climb a mountain if he's blind. But it has been done. Or how can a kid survive under water for over 45 minutes and still live. Or someone being shot at point blank range and still live. These my friend are called miracles. Sometimes in spite what the Dr's may say, something will happen that the facts say should not have. There in lies my hope. I believe in a loving and caring God and if it be his will and if I do my part, I will stand up and walk out of this wheelchair one day. My name is Jasper and these are my thoughts.
Monday, July 9, 2012
We do matter
Hello, my name is Jasper and I am a quad. Sometimes, in this condition we are in it may seem to us that life maybe passing us by whether you admit it or not. Sometimes, we may get feelings that say we don't matter, but we do! I found out a little more about how much I matter when I called a friend and she was very upset and distraught. You see she is now a widow and she is still grieving for her husband. I know she has all the skills and knowledge to cope with the problem, but we are human and sometimes we just get weak. I was so glad that I was able to talk to her and as well as I know her I was able to talk to her and ease some of her pain. The conversation I had with her I tried to be uplifting and encouraging and before we got off the phone she admitted she felt much better as she was glad that I called her. She said that my phone call really helped her through the day. So you see, even in our condition God puts us in a place where we can by most useful. That's why I say we do matter! We have the power still to ease someone's pain or to make someone's day. The power to make someone laugh or to forget about the situation that they are in. Yes, we do matter! My name is Jasper and these are my thoughts!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Father's Day and the Quad
Father's Day brought such excitement to me I could hardly wait until it got here. My brother invited the family to have a BBQ at his house and I didn't want anything to stop me from getting there. It was a beautiful event. My brother was happy to see me as was my daughter and my grandchildren. It was an even more special event because my youngest daughter whom I don't see very often, 3 years as a matter a fact, was there. One point I tried to make is that don't let the wheelchair or your circumstance stop you from enjoying any part of life. Embrace each day as if it's father's day. Stay close to your family if you can, cherish your friends and keep a good attitude. I'll say it again, life doesn't stop just because your situation has changed. Live your life with all the gusto you can. Just a short note to encourage you to keep your chin up and keep pressing forward. These are my thoughts, my name is Jasper.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Obstacles Still Occur
Hello, my name is Jasper and I am a quad. A dear friend of mine had invited me to his daughters wedding and he told me weeks in advance. But would you know, about a day or two before the wedding we both learned there were no ramps to get into the church. Well the thought of not going never entered my mind. He is a dear friend and our families grew up together. I knew when his daughter was born and there was no way I was going to miss this wedding. God is good all the time, even though I did not get inside the church my attitude about it was good and I found an ideal spot right at the entrance. I saw everyone go in and I was able to see many faces I hadn't seen in years. I was glad to see them as they were glad to see me. It was a beautiful day and I was very comfortable under the huge shade tree at the entrance. I even had another dear friend come to the wedding and he chose to stand outside with me the entire time and we laughed and talked and greeted people. What I'm trying to say is negative things still happen in our lives but if you just be patient and keep a good attitude it could still turn around in your favor. I sent the nurse who was with me inside a few times to view the wedding and she took pictures. So even though I didn't get in the church I had a wonderful time just being there. Don't allow your attitude, your outlook or your view of life spoil your day. Look up and look around. God has created a beautiful day. Rejoice and be glad in it. My name is Jasper and these are my thoughts.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Stay Active, Active, Active
Hi, my name is Jasper and I'm a quad, but I don't let that stop me from doing things I want to do or go places I want to go. This week for instance I went to 2 church services, I'm going to the movies this week, also to a wedding this week and then spending Father's Day with my family. You do not have to be limited by your condition, your wheelchair. It has wheels...let them roll! Being active is a vital part of your recovery. It stimulates you, motivates you and just keeps you in touch with the outside world so I encourage you to get out, enjoy the sun while it's shining. People will take to you differently. They see you being active, taking charge of your life, people genuinely want to help you when they see you helping yourself. I believe that to be true in my own life. People are always glad to see me and if they won't come to you, go to them. You can if you want to. This is just a short note to let you know that life for you is not over so be active, active, active. My name is Jasper, good bye.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Even Though You Are A Quad Problems Still Exist
My name is Jasper and I am a quad and I find myself still having to deal with life's problems. I'm currently being garnisheed and I have to personally look into the matter. I got together with my social worker and we're going to set an appointment with the Friend of the Court. Just because you are a quad life still presents problems that you have to address. There may be times though when you feel helpless. For example; my daughter is in the process of a divorce. I feel somewhat helpless not being able to give her the support I would like to. All I can do is talk to her and give her my advice. I wish I could do more but my condition won't allow it. But I keep a good attitude and realize that I must adapt to the situation. Just because we're quads life doesn't change for us. We have to change for it. Be strong, keep a good attitude and just do the best you can. Good bye, my name is Jasper.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Attitude, Attitude, Attitude!
Hi, my name is Jasper and I'm a quadriplegic. Today I went out with a group of people and we planted flowers in vases. It may not seem like much to some people but to someone who is severely injured the task can be very rewarding. I feel that if you're an injured person, if you body's crippled or you have some kind of head injury it's very important you keep your chin up and have a positive attitude about life. Don't look at your circumstance, the condition you're in, rather focus on your recovery and future goals. Your spirit is what enables you to move forward, forgetting the past and boldly facing your future. I enjoy what I did today. Just planting a simple flower or getting out of bed just to go play Bingo or a card game, visit someone, better yet pray for someone in your facility or home. Having that positive attitude and Godly spirit will enable you to do things with zeal. The point I've tried to make is that your life is not over. I go on trips to the movies, to the art institute, fishing, bowling and even attended a dance and I did it all being confined to a wheelchair. Attitude...have a positive attitude and see where it takes you. My name is Jasper and I thank you for reading.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The Quadriplegic in NA
Hello my name is Jasper and I had to make a lot of adjustments in my life not only being a quad, I'm aslo a recovering addict. My clean date is also the same date as my accident. I recently went to a meeting when I celebrated my 3 years clean. I want you to understand that we may have akward conditions, people still love and embrace us as long as we keep a positive attitude and continue on with our lives, people will support us. I went to that meeting not knowing exactly what to expect, but it turned out to be a beautiful experience. They bought a huge cake, pizza, ice cream and we celebrated and hugged each other and they gave me so much support. It was awesome to me that so many people poured out their love for me. I was touched. So I want you to know that things change in our lives but some things remain the same. Love, caring, support, and God working in our lives. So I said all that to say this, it's very important that we look at life with the same zeal that we had before our tragady. God works through people and he touches hearts and moved people to love us unconditionally. Keep your head up and embrace life boldly and it will work for you just as it's working for me. Love you. I'm Jasper and this was my expereience I've shared with you.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Waiting On God
Hi, my name is Jasper and I'm a quadriplegic. I know some people do not believe in divine healing. As a matter of fact you may go through your entire lift and not see it, but still it's there. The Lord said by my stripes ye are healed and that means that he bore all our sicknesses. If you believe strong enough, and it be the Lords will, you could actually heal yourself. I myself am a believer. I have no feelings in my lower body but still I believe that through divine healing someday I will walk. Sometimes if you have something as simple as a headache just quiet yourself and meditate and tell yourself you are not going to receive your headache and the Lord will remove it. I was born in the 50's, which was the Polio era, I was a kid who wasn't supposed to walk. I had braces and crutches but I can remember running down the hallway with the Dr's watching me and applauding me. I was not supposed to be able to walk but instead I became able to run thanks to the Lord. So if you, have any affliction that you don't want keep meditating on it and speak to your body. Tell it to remove itself, then have faith in your higher power that he will remove it in His time. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to wait on something we want so bad. But the Lord said in His word be anxious for nothing. He also said he will not leave you or forsake you but we have to believe. So I don't know about you but I'm waiting on God. My name is Jasper and these are my thoughts.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Live Life on the First Pew
Hello my name is Jasper and I'm a quadriplegic and I've learned that no matter what physical state, mental state you may be in we all need to be spiritually fed. Sometimes are lives may take a wicked turn, it may seem a turn for the worst, we may feel like our lives are done for but if we learn to live our lives as if we were seated on the very first pew we can learn new things and live a productive life once again. We need Jesus in our lives if we are going to succeed. This is what I believe and this is what I do. I open my heart to the Lord and when I'm in His house I sit on the very first pew. I don't want to miss a thing. I want to hear every word that he has to speak to me and I also live my life that way, as if I'm still sitting on that very first pew. It helps me in so many ways to keep Him on my mind. It helps me to get along with others, keeps me motivated, keeps me safe knowing He's in my life forever. As best I can as I go throughout my day, I keep my mind on that first pew knowing that God is going to provide all my needs. So I say to you if you have any doubts about yourself, life in general, things may not be going your way, I urge you next time you get to your local church march right in and go right to the front and sit on the first pew. It'll give you a whole new perspective. I'm Jasper and these are my thoughts.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
It's Important!
My name is Jasper and at one time in my life I was a pretty active guy. I always went where ever I pleased and could usually do what ever I pleased. Then in April '09 a car accident side lined me. My life as I knew it seemed over but with the help of the staff at the rehab I'm in I began to accept my condition. I also learned that it's very important to first accept your condition, believe in God and yourself and become active. I stay active by writing blogs, going on various trips with the rehab, personal visits to family and friends, I take therapy 5 days a week, I attend certain meetings that they have at the rehab, seminars and the like. It's very important to stay active so you can get used to living in your new life as a quadriplegic or whatever injury you have. Staying active recharges your mind and your people skills. It does not give you time to sit around and throw a pity party for yourself. So my friends, I urge you to put God first, believe in yourself and stay active. It's important!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Living as a quadriplegic
My name is Jasper and I live my life today as a quadriplegic. Before my accident in April of '09 I was a very active guy. I used to like to visit my daughters often, as well as a host of friends that I have. I used to love to accompany a minister friend of mine and we would go various places, various homes, hospitals, and special visits to friends and pray for them. I also had a job when I lived in Arkansas, and the job required me to be very active. You can imagine how I must have felt with my life coming to a sudden standstill. It was quite a blow for me at first, but slowly I began to adjust because I knew "why get upset over something I can't do anything about?" I'm a big believer that God will always place you where you need to be. He placed me at a very nurturing rehab facility and slowly with the help of the staff I began to feel like a normal person again. They taught me how to mix in with other people again. I learned that if you want the victory you do have to pay some dues. I love to attend my therapy sessions- they urge me to go out into society such as going to the movies, to the mall, and especially family visits. They taught me how to be a whole person again instead of a broken man in a wheelchair. So if you have some type of physical affliction, don't give up! You must press on towards your goal and remember, God always puts you right where you need to be and he gives you the tools to do what you have to do.
So my name is Jasper, and I am a quadriplegic. Have a blessed day.
So my name is Jasper, and I am a quadriplegic. Have a blessed day.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
God Loves You
TMy name is Jasper Matthews and I move around in a wheelchair. I am a believer in God, a follower of Christ and it's so amazing to me sometimes the way things happen in my life. When I sit back and think about it I notice the Lord placing me right where I need to be. There's a Minister and we get together every Thursday and we sit and chat about the Bible or just things in general. She invited me to her church and once a week her Pastor teaches and that's the day that I went. I was well received with a lot of affection and his teaching was outstanding. I really enjoyed it. Also he has to get the prophecy. I was very curious about what he might have to say about me. As he began to prophesied he and his host of Ministers, it was really something to see. They would touch these people and pray over them and most of them were so touched they would fall out, have dizzy spells for a while. It was really something to see. After he had prophesied over a number of people he came over to me and he said some things that really touched me and surprised me. I am a believer and I believe that God works through the Preachers and Pastors that he's called so I don't dispute what the man of God has to say to me. He said through my faith I would get up out of the wheelchair some day. He said I will not stay in this wheelchair because God has work for me to do. Then he surprised me further when he said I was going to preach some day. But through it all I was telling myself that God puts you right where you need to be. He puts you where you need to be so you can hear what he wants you to hear. I know that God loves us and he wants only the best for us and don't worry because he has you right where you need to be even if it's uncomfortable. Just sit still and try to hear what he's telling you. That's the way he teaches you, through actions and words. So don't forget he said he's with you always. I'm Jasper Matthews and I believe.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Do It For Someone Else
My name is Jasper and I'm a quad and I have a Minister who visits me once a week religiously. I enjoy her company so much that I introduced her to my best friend who is also a Minister like she is. And they came to visit me today and he brought my oldest brother who usually has a very hard time getting out to visit me. I was really surprised to see him and my heart was filled with a lot of joy. And the four of us sat and we just chatted and disagreed about some things as well as agreed about some things. We talked about religion and current events. It was a very spiritual like meeting and we all enjoyed each others company. So as you go about your daily business I pray that you will think about that. Visit someone you haven't seen in a long time or visit someone that you have never visited. Sit with a senior and have a conversation. You may be surprised what you may learn from them. I guarantee you it will make the other person feel so good inside as well as yourself. So do it for someone else. This is Jasper. Have a blessed day.
Friday, January 6, 2012
God always places you right where you need to be.
My name is Jasper and I'm a quadriplegic. When this happened to me through my accident with my Jeep, it changed my life so fast I didn't know what to do. But through the help of my daughters, God guided me to a place called Special Tree. It's a neurological rehabilitation facility. I've been here just a little over 2 years and I've seen some wonderful things happen here. People that have been torn apart, bruised, and almost thrown away, with the help of therapy they lived to get their lives back in some sort of order. I'm saying this because if not you personally you may have a loved one that has been injured in some kind of way, and you may not know about a place like this, but this is right where they would need to be. Receiving therapy, guidance, support from the staff, and it'll all help you to get your life back together. I would like to believe that God guided my daughters to this place for me. I couldn't find it on my own, I couldn't move, so my daughters went scouting for me not knowing anything about a place like this. But God guided them here. If you have a loved one that's injured you may not come to Special Tree, but put them in a place where they specialize in head injuries and paralysis.
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