Wednesday, September 25, 2013

We are Blessed

Hello my name is Jasper- Praise the Lord! I was watching the news and various other TV shows and as I watched the news I heard of so many killings, senseless murders, women and children being killed, 2 men shot one another in road rage, the chemical warfare and Syria, the flooding that they're having in Colorado, and the fires in California. So much killing and destruction going on today, but we who know Jesus and have the spirit of the Lord inside of us know that we are covered by his blood. I can't imagine today living my life outside of the body of Christ. But knowing Him, having a relationship with Him, I know I can call His name or say a prayer and ask Him to surround me with his angels or put a hedge of protection around me. And I believe with all my heart that he will hear my cry and protect me. This is a gift that a lot of people are sorry to say don't have. Like a lot of people even after I turned my life over to the care of God I did things that were not of God, but in time He opened my eyes by chastising me and it's a wonderful thing because scripture tells me "He only chastises those whom He loves". So I know to some it may seem like a horrible twist of fate but I understand why He allowed certain things to happen in my life. To calm me. To bring me into submission. To give me time to reflect on His word and to take a good look at the wonderful gift of life that He's given me. and I praise the Lord for that. So although we're living in a violent society filled with all kinds of traps and snares by the Devil, we do not fear because we know the Lord and his spirit, the kingdom, is inside of us. My name is Jasper, be blessed.

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