Tuesday, October 1, 2013

All Along the way

Hello my name is Jasper, Praise the Lord! As I was sitting alone I began to reflect on some past events of my life when I was a child and had polio. I remember the doctors and my mother had me run down this long hallway. I remember the old man who asked me to get into his car. I remember my mother fighting with my stepfather. I remember my mother longing for a husband, a home, and a better life for us. I remember a lot of dangerous times during my drug addiction- my addiction with crack made me a totally different person than I am now. I thought about the events surrounding my two near fatal car crashes. As I reflected upon all these things that happened in my life, even today the institution where I live, I can clearly see where God brought me through it all. I wasn't supposed to walk but God said yes. He brought my mother through two bad marriages without being harmed. Many times I found myself in places I had no place being. I was out all hours of the night, going days without sleep, and doing much harm to my body. But the Lord still had favor with me, even though I was messed up He still showed me mercy and grace. I did not know that I was going to have a second near fatal car crash when I bought my insurance. I think it was no more than a couple weeks after I bought it I had the accident. The insurance I have pays for my housing where I live. I didn't know but the Lord knew I was going to need that insurance. All through my life I now see that the Lord has carried me, protected me, guided me, and loved me when I thought no one else did. Everything I am, everything I have- my wonderful children, my grandchildren, and the mothers of my children- I owe it all to the grace of God. So I urge whoever is reading this when you feel that you can't go on, or that life has dealt you an awful situation, whatever it is God will take care of you just as He's taken care of me. He loves me and He also loves you. Hold on to your faith and just be patient. He is with you always, even till the end of time.

My name is Jasper, be blessed.

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