Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Being Saved

Being Saved is the same as you being in the river and the current is dragging you down, then someone throws a rope to you, and pulls you to safety. You have just been (saved) from a horrible death. Your life was spared because someone cared enough to (save) you. Well that's what the Father did for us, when he sent his only begotten son to die for us. Father God was angry with us because of our sinful lives. He could not find one sinless man on earth. But because of his love for us, he made a way out for us. He sent the Lamb of God , to take on our sins and diceses, all the vile that was in us, HE took it to the cross with HIM, where it died with HIM.HE did it out of love for us, that is why Jesus is love, and all HE wants from us is to love our fellow man just as HE loved us. Stop our sinful ways and confess that HE is Lord. Learn how to worship HIM and follow HIS commandments. Being saved is not an event, its a lifestyle that a lot of people are not ready for yet. Serving the Lord requires a lot more than just sitting in church every Sunday. Do you pay your thiths as you should, do you pray and pray often (not just on Sunday), do you pray for people and not just yourself? Do you help the widow who has nobody? Are you a father to those without father's, and are you willing to help someone you don't know, just because they need help? These are just some of the requirements of being a good Christian. Tell me, have you even thought of GOD today? If he were here what would you say? Show someone some love today, help someone along the way. May GOD bless my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Where will you be when HE comes back?

Hello my name is Jasper, there is a lot of tension in the world today. I am not a racist, and I try my best not to judge others, I try as best I can to help people if I can. I pray that my words will cause you to see this world as l see it. The Lord Jesus told his disciples, that in the last days, people would not fear the Lord anymore. Instead they will go their own way only caring about themselves. They will be lovers of money and their hearts will be waxed cold. I did some sort of drug most of my adult life. When I reflect on my life the way I live today, I can hardly believe that I was that kind of man during those years. But it taught me that if you (allow) the enemy to rule over you, he will take you lower than you ever thought you would go. I am trying to get a point over to my brothers and sisters that if you are not in line with GOD, you need to so. The world is not going to get better, its getting worse. Police shooting unarmed (kids), you can hardly stop at a gasoline station without fearing for your life. Our senior citizens being preyed upon with no mercy. He also said that there would be wars and rumors of wars. He also said that there would be great pleages upon the land, and we now have diceses that have no cure. I have found out something that you are going to find out too, if you don't already know. There is only one way to live your life the way the Lord intended, totally submit to HIM. Remember, you cannot serve two masters. I love you my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Well what's on your mind?

Hello to all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. I pray that you had a very blessed Thanksgiving, and ate well and shared much love. The Father is so good to us through his son, our Lord.I hope that you took the time from enjoying his bounty, to give thanks. Sometimes we can get wrapped up in our own pleasures and issues that we can forget about the Lord. But we as followers of the Lord, must stay focused. When you take your eyes off the Lord, your life will slowly begin to sink, like Peter did on the water. When we walk with him, we feel strong in spirit, clear in our thoughts, filled with the spirit of love, and motivated to move forward. The Christmas holiday season is here, and we all know how the world thinks of Christmas. They don't want to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus, they could care less. All they're  concerned about is looking good, how much money they've spent. They will take pleasure in decorating their homes and big trees to impress their friends. We must be vigilant and committed to the Lord. We are in the world, but not of the world. As followers of Christ, we are set apart from the world, we have to learn not to do as they do. Follow and thrust in his commandments, don't lose sight of your faith. The Christmas season is here, what's on your mind?

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What do you see?

Hello to all my brother and sister in Christ Jesus. I was watching the news, and the things I saw seemed unreal.  Isis the terrorists group, are just commenting murder. I watched the Congress discuss what should be done, It seemed to me, they don't know what to do. I watched the story of a young man who was a police officer, and he brutalized a man over a traffic stop. He tried to justify his actions by saying the man was resisting. A video proved that he was lying. There was a case here in Macomb County, where officers literally watched a man die, simply because he did not have his medication. The seasons are not the same as l remembered as a boy. I can remember that in the summer, it was so hot, you didn't want to come outside. In the winter months, you could always be sure to have a lot of snow. Now you still have roses blooming in the cold. There are wars going on all around the world. People are becoming more and more afraid of terrorism. The Lord told his disciples, that man would turn their backs on GOD and become lover's of themselves. People don't seem to care about each other the way they used to. One thing that the Lord is totally against is homosexuality, but as you can see, it is on the rise more than ever. Just open your eyes, then open your Bible, study his word, then tell me what do you see. May the good Lord bless us all. I watched the news, as they told how a four year old boy was maled to death by pit Bulls. I know things happen in life, but can't you see the world has become so cold. Satan is trying to make us kill ourselves, as many as he can. GOD is going to get tired of our sinful ways, and when he chasties us, it will not be pretty. May God bless you and give you his grace.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The art of sharing

Hello my name is Jasper, and I am a minister for the Lord, and I do his will. The world is turning colder and colder. People are not interested in what the Lord has commanded. Just as the Lord said, man will go their own way. They want to do their dirt in darkness, but the Lord is the light of the world. When you get closer to the Lord, it causes you to take a closer look at yourself. Man's Hart has been waxed cold, men have become lover's of themselves. But the Lord has said, if your brother thirst give him drink, if he hunger, give him food, and if he's cold give him your coat. Father God our creator, wants us to live life with love. JESUS has commanded that we are to love one to another just as he loved us. If you see your brother in need, don't look the other way, stop and help him. We as ministers for the Lord are to help the widow, be a father to the fatherless, we must give of ourselves even if it hurts. This is what the Lord did for us, and we are to follow his example. He suffered for us, and when we feel a little discomfort, we want to stop going. The Lord our God has laid down his commands, and he said, to follow me you must first deny yourself. How many of us are willing to do that? My name is Jasper, and I love you.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Today's law enforcement

Well if you have watched the latest news as long as I have, you know the tragedy that has occurred. A man was allowed to die in custody, as officers did nothing. This doesn't seem to be happening in one particular area, but it's nationwide. There was a time when you could go to a law officer and you would be relieved to have him help you, but it seems in today's society that's not always the case. It's good that we live in such a wonderful technical world. Imagine how many incidents involving police brutality would go unnoticed if there were no cameras. Imagine what would have happened in the Rodney King incident if there were no cameras or videos. Imagine what would have happened in the Malice Green case in Detroit, where he literally had his brains beaten out by two officers over a few stones of crack. At what point does an officer feel that he's crossed a line? There have been many cases documented, caught on film, caught on camera phones, where officers used excessive force on an unarmed man. There was a case not long ago where a man had made it home, pulled in his driveway, when confronted by officers dropped to his knees, and still they shot him down. In cases such as this, when a man is offering no resistance at all, how are these officers able to explain away their actions? From what I can see, this issue isn't getting better. It seems to be happening more often. To think with all we have accomplished in the world, we still here in 2015 have to fear being slain by an irate police officer. The court system works for you, but it can also work against you. The courts are so overcrowded, there's so much favoritism in the law enforcement industry, that sometimes innocent men go to prison for most of their lives. While people such as a man in Detroit, who exhibited road rage by beating a 21 year old woman, and when approached by onlookers he produced a gun. Further investigation into this matter shows that this felon has had 3 prior arrests for carrying a gun. He also had a knife, which was illegal for him, and he had some assault charges pending against him. My question is, why was he even allowed back on the streets? It is people like this being let out of jail on small infractions in the law, and a woman could have lost her life. These people don't care about human life, or respect, or how much pain they can inflict on another human being. So I want to ask- what is wrong with our law enforcement in this country? I have one theory I would like to offer. You may not understand it, you surely may not believe it, but Satan has very little time left before he has to go into the pit. So he and all his evil spirits are doing a lot of damage in the world today. Just take a look at it and try to understand. Families fighting against each other. Young teenage girls strung out on dope. Old men molesting and raping little boys and girls. Talk of wars and rumors of wars all over the world. All the natural disasters happening in the world today. Neighbor afraid of neighbor. You hustle inside your home and quickly lock the door, pull down the shades, and pray that you will be alright throughout the night. People are scared and, well, they should be. Because if you don't know Jesus and what He can do for you, I feel sorry for you.

My name is Jasper, I love you and keep praying.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Insurance Companies Suck

Hello my name is Jasper, and I am a quadriplegic in a NeuroCare facility.

For some time now, there have been two things that are bothering me. One is which the insurance companies in Michigan are constantly trying to do away with the no-fault law. This law enables people with brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and other injuries to live in the better rehab facilities. It disturbs me to know that if they could they would totally do away with this program and we would have to go to nursing homes and other facilities. Most likely the care at these other places would be well below the standard of care we receive now. The other thing that disturbs me is the insurance companies did get a bill passed, whereas they no longer have to pay for personal outings for the physically challenged. There are a great many people in wheelchairs as a result of an auto injury, being ran over by an automobile, and they need constant assistance, especially with travel. I in particular have suffered since this bill has passed. I belong to a wonderful church, which I attended religiously, but now I can no longer get there because insurance won't pay for my trip. I cannot visit my youngest daughter or my brother, both who live in Detroit. They do not have a way to reach me, and I can no longer reach them. Again, because the insurance won't pay. I have missed a number of engagements I was invited to because I had no way to get there. This is just one example of how people in this country who are greatly in need of help do not receive it simply because of greedy corporations. The insurance companies have the money. They have more than enough to do the job they are required to do, but won't. So my fellow readers, supporters, the wheelchair community, anyone who relies on the insurance paying for your transportation to and from. I strongly urge you to contact any political ties that you may have and voice your opinion on this issue. We have people lobbying at the state capital, we have lawyers who are constantly fighting for our rights, and we must show support to them, aid them in correcting this wrong. Remember- the baby that cries the loudest is the one who gets fed first.

Again, my name is Jasper, I'm a quadriplegic, and we're going to make it because we have God on our side and He knows this is not right.

Thank you.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

How's your day?

Hello my name is Jasper, and I pray that all is well with you.

I woke up this morning feeling good, in a very positive mood, and as I started my day I started speaking to people as I rolled down the hallway. I live in a neuro rehab center so I see a lot of people (clients, staff, and visitors). I try to speak to everyone I meet and I like to project a happy feeling. Often times if I don't feel that good inside or if I'm feeling kind of crappy myself, I don't let others see it. I could be in one of those places where I don't want to be bothered by anyone, but when someone speaks to me or smiles at me I automatically put on that face. It doesn't take a whole lot for you to smile and say "hello", even if you don't feel like doing it or talking to anyone. Just smile or nod and say "hello". In other words, always be uplifting and encouraging to your brother. Sometimes you don't know what the next person is going through. You don't know what emotional state they may be in, and that simple smile or that "hello" would just bring them out of that self-pity. That hug that you give someone may be the only love that they've felt in a long time, you just don't know. When we show love to our brother (and that includes women), we're doing what God asks us to do. Jesus said "love ye one another as I have loved you". It's my way of being happy for myself, no matter what my condition is. When I look out and I see all the green trees, the beautiful blue sky, just being able to open my eyes and see anything is a blessing. I just look all around me and I see the beautiful portrait that God has painted for me. I think about each breath that I take, my eyesight, being able to breathe, and of course watching my family grow up. I've often thanked God for allowing me to live long enough to watch my babies grow up, and then watch my babies' babies grow up. Nothing feels as good as having your children around you, and you're holding their children in your arms. You can't help but feel thankful and blessed that you're here to do that. I didn't always live such a safe and comfortable life. I am a recovering addict, and I've been lost in darkness many times. So I look at where I am today and I know it wasn't me that got me here. I tried to self-destruct many times, I filled my life with misery, but God still had favor with me and He guided me through my wilderness. He brought me out and reestablished me. That's not to say I didn't go through some tough times. I had a wife that I had to bury, I lost many a job, never stayed in one place very long, and as I said earlier I live in a neuro rehab center because I'm a quadriplegic. With all that being said, I still know and believe in my heart that the Lord is with me. I don't worry about how my day, or how my week, or what's going to happen in my life. As long as I can do most of what the Lord wants me to do- if I can be at least half of what He wants from me, I know He's got my back. So I want to ask you, how is your day today? Are you thankful that you woke up? Are you thankful for what you're able to see? Are you thankful for everything the Lord is providing for you? Everyday that you live and breathe He gives you your daily bread. So once in a while give some of your time to Him. Your Father wants to hear from you, as any good father would. Spend time with Him, tell Him you're thankful, you love Him, and tell Him your problems and concerns. He hears you, and He will listen. Be patient, and He will respond. If you don't want to believe me, just ask around and you'll find that there are many, many people who have experienced the love of God. Why don't you?

Again, I'm Jasper and I'm a minister for the Lord.

Monday, August 10, 2015

What We Don't See

      Hello, my name is Jasper and I am a minister for the Lord. There are things that are happening around us all the time that we know about but we cannot see. Trees grow strong and tall, but we don't see them grow, or see the growth process that goes on under the tree. We can feel the wind brush across our face, but we can't see what propels it and moves it along. I am a quadriplegic and like many others, I know my limbs are there even though I can't feel them. Many things happen in our daily lives that we do not understand. I want to go somewhere with this and get you to see there are many things going on and we don't know why. As one person told me, it's kind of like a baby in its mother's womb. That baby rests instinctively safe, not knowing who feeds it, where the care comes from. It just knows it happens. There is a force or person outside of that baby's comprehension. It can't see its mother but somehow the baby knows she's there. When you think of it, it's kind of that way with a christian. No, we've never seen God, but we feel his presence at all times. We feel secure in the knowledge that there is someone much bigger than ourselves, much greater than ourselves, who sustains us. Scientists are men of logic but there are even some things that happen in life, nature that even they cannot explain. They have searched the ruins and found evidence that there was a man named Jesus who walked this Earth. No, we cannot see him today, but he wants us to believe in him anyway. I have seen evidence in my life of a higher authority, although I've never seen him. I could feel it inside of me that spiritual battle that goes on inside of me. I have had my mind set on doing something I know is right, but my mind convinces me to do the opposite and when that happens, there is a strange feeling I get inside as though I can feel someone saying, "See, I got you again!". Other times, when I have that battle, and I am thinking of doing something I shouldn't when I resist it, the feeling says, "I'm so glad I didn't". It feels as thought there are two people in a tug-of-war and I am in the middle of he rope. I'm being flung back and forth. Sometimes winning, sometimes losing. Just because I can't see this battle, or see who is doing it, does not mean it's not happening to the believer. We know this all too real. So, I have learned to do what is necessary to stay on the right side of the battle field. Let me ask you, have you ever decided to go one place and then "something" suddenly changed your mind? You say to yourself later on, "I don't know why I did that, I just did". Or, have you ever meant to say one thing that you felt was the right thing to say, but something else came out? You scratch your head and think to yourself , "why did I say that"? Well my friend, whether you believe or not, there are two forces working in your life at all times. You cannot see them, but if you pay attention, you can feel their effects. So I urge you to just try the holy way of life. For Jesus said, "be ye holy because I am holy". Be aware of the things you cannot see. Trust me, they are there. Again, my name is Jasper, may God bless.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Jesus and you

Hello, my name is Jasper. I pray that you are being blessed and all is well with you. I once heard a preacher say that when he first gave his life to the Lord, he thought the Lord didn't want him to have any fun. He said, " Now Lord, you mean I can't go to the bar, I can't go to the gentleman clubs, I can't have sex outside of marriage, you don't want me to gamble, if I tell a lie, you are mad at me? It seems that you don't want me to have any fun, do the things that I'm used to doing, I'll have to change my whole life!"  Well that is exactly what the Lord wants you to do. like any good father, no matter how much fun a child is having, your father knows when you've had enough. You don't want to stop and you can;t see what you're doing, but your father loves you, has to calm you down, slow you down, and give you a new perspective. Father God wants us to enjoy this world but he doesn't want you to hurt yourself in the process. His commandments are not set forth to hinder you, but rather to help you and lift you up. No fornication means you don't have to worry about STD's or getting into any love triangles. Staying out of bars and clubs is a good thing because its full of people with a lot of bad habits. Drinking and doing drugs does not add to your life, it only takes away. That's why Jesus said "do not touch the unclean thing". He said "be ye holy for I am holy". Thats an order to give you some type of goal to shoot for that will strengthen you, keep you away from negative things. He also said do not do as the world does because the world can be cold, hearts waxed over, and man loves himself and does not care about his brother. But when you give your life to Christ, he teaches us that we must be humble and caring and unselfish towards our brothers and sisters. If you are planning on marriage in the near future, plan on following Jesus and I guarantee you your marriage will be positive and fruitful. There is no other correct way to live your life except to follow the law of the Lord. This is just a note to give you some food for thought. The Lord does not want to slow you down or take the fun out of your life, but rather to give you more life so you can have more fun. Again, my name is Jasper, may God bless you.

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Hello, my name is Jasper. I am a quadriplegic and a disciple of Christ. What do you think about in the course of a day? What do you think about when you are all alone and the room is quiet? Maybe your family, your social status, or perhaps it's your job? We have many commitments and obligations to meet in today's world. That takes up a lot of our thought process- just trying to keep up on society's freeway. We have so many things that we see as being so important we can't overlook them.But tell me, how much time in your daily routine do you take out to think about God? Do you think about the sacrifice that he made for us and what he commands us to do for one another? Do you think about helping someone whose life is not as good as yours? Perhaps you may know someone in financial or emotional distress, do you offer any help? Do we think about the fatherless children and the widow who has no husband to lean upon? Christ says that we are to love one another as he has loved us. We are to be a father to the fatherless, mother to the motherless, and don't forget about the old people who are just trying to make it day by day.Be honest with yourself. Do you show any real concern for people like this? Or do you just pass them by as if they don't exist? When you see a homeless person on the street, do you turn your head or do you ever think "there but for the grace of God, go I". These things should cross your mind on a daily basis. It's part of what makes us human, it's called empathy that understanding and concern for what the other person may be going through. If you want your life to be happy, prosperous, and joy filled, just start doing things to help other people. Don't forget about the less fortunate, and pull your brother up to your level. Don't just turn your head and do nothing. You can only get out of life what you put in. If you put in nothing, then nothing is what you will receive. This is just a short message to give you and idea of what your mind should be on. Reset your mind not to be selfish, not to be evil, and above all, not to forget God.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Same Sex Marriages

     Hello, my name is Jasper and I have some concerns about what our government is allowing into society. To anyone who has read my blogs before, you know that my messages are about Christian values.I don't wish to offend anyone, any particular group or society of people. I feel that I should say something regarding the society of Jesus Christ. Sometimes we all want to do our own thing, we want to do what we want to do and no one is going to stop us. But the society I belong to are followers of Christ. We give our will and our lives over to him. We profess to be his followers by doing exactly as he commands. His thoughts and his doctrines are the only laws that truly matter to us, for he is supreme. We may not always agree with what his word says, we may not like what he asks us to do sometimes, but at the end of the day, we know we believe that whatever he commands, is all for our good. So when God says that homosexuality is a sin in his eyes and it shall not be tolerated, this is the law that we must abide by. Now some people get that all twisted around. They say, "well, God loves all people", some say there is no God, while others feel that God will love them no matter what. Homosexuality is a sin to the Father. It always has been, it is today, and it always will be, for his word and his will for us does not change. He does not hate the homosexual or the lesbian or anyone with an alternative lifestyle. He does love everyone, for we are his children, but he hates the act that some of us perform. He hates the things that we do behind closed doors when we feel that no one is watching. But the Lord is omnipresent, meaning he is everywhere, he is everything, and we cannot hide from his eyes. And whether you believe it or not, he says one day you will have to come into judgement. He will sit at the right hand of the Father and he will judge us one and all. He will not only judge the big things in our lives, he will also judge those tiny little sins that we thought didn't matter. When Jesus walked this Earth and he interacted with us and our lust for sins he became our go-between with the Father. God the Father cannot look upon sin so Jesus stands in the gap for us, we are filled with his spirit and that is what God sees when he looks upon us. He does not see the ugliness of the sin in us but rather, the spirit of his son who is sinless.
     So you make up your own minds what you want to do with your life, but remember this: what if there is a heaven and a hell and you find out too late that you've followed the wrong path? But by the time you find out then it will be too late. So why not take out some insurance and give your life to God and live the way he intended you to? Do the best you can, we all fall short sometimes, but the Lord knows your heart. He knows when you're giving it your best. He will not look down on you, he will not judge you, he will not hurt you in anyway, but he will cover you with his blood so that the enemy cannot destroy you. The enemy is someone who hates God. He hates us because of God. He is powerful and he will do anything he can to kill us. He cannot do this directly, but he will whisper to your mind and cause you to live a life that is against God's wishes. He will drag your life through the mud. And he will steal all your joy. His only purpose on this Earth is to steal, kill, and destroy. Don't let him ruin your life as he did mine for years, before I decided to truly follow Christ, give yourself a chance. The Lord said he will never leave us nor forsake us, but the enemy will always leave you in a mess that he got you into. I am only trying to give you some food for spiritual thought. Look over your life and see if you can tell the times when the lord was helping you and when the enemy was stealing your joy. Again, my name is Jasper, I love you all, and be blessed.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

How is your life?

Most people desire to have a happy and fruitful life. They wish to live long, watch their kids grow up, and enjoy life in general. But sometimes it's not that easy. There are forces of darkness that seem to interrupt us. Believe it or not, there was an angel in Heaven that was named Lucifer. Lucifer was allowed in the throne room with God himself. He was the most beautiful angel, he was so beautiful that when he walked beautiful music would play. But then he began to get beside himself, even thinking that he was equal with God. Soon, he began to think himself better than God. He was banished from Heaven and one third of the angels who followed him went with him. He is present in the earth, and he hates God, so he causes all kinds of damage and mayhem in our lives. He does this because he knows that we are God's creation, and God loves us. He goes about the business of making us unhappy, trying to ruin our lives. He will make us do things to ourselves, or even kills us. He can only do this by influencing us to do things to ourselves. He has no real power because the Lord defeated him by going to the cross. He would kill us all if he could, but he can't because God won't let him. Although he has some power, don't take him for granted, but we don't have to fear him because God did not give us the spirit of fear. We have the Lord Jesus on our side to fight for us. Lucifer, who is sometimes called Satan, tried to use Jesus in the wilderness. But Jesus defeated him by using scripture against him. We have the power to do the same. When you feel in your mind you want to do something that you know you should not do, just call on the Lord and He will give you strength to defeat Satan's attack. Satan's spirit is no match for the God spirit that Jesus put in us. We have to learn how to use the spirit inside of us, when to call on Him for strength and guidance. We must first of all believe and understand that He is the living Son of God. Anything that we desire to do that is good comes from our Jesus spirit that's inside of us. Things like compassion, understanding, meekness, love for your brother- these are the things of God. Lord Jesus promised us if we keep His commandments, we will live a long and productive life. He will keep the enemy away from us. He will increase our faith, and we will be heirs of the kingdom with Him. Satan knows this, so he tries to make us do things that are against God's word. So I ask you, how is your life? Take a look at your life and see, is it prosperous? Or is it always in turmoil? If things seem to always go against you, or you seem to hurt people and do wrong things, you're following Satan. If you have happiness and joy, love and apathy for someone else, you're serving the Lord. So take a close look at your life, and decide who you are serving, and remember you can't serve two masters.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

My Friend

Exactly, what is a friend? What does the term "friend" mean to you? In my opinion a friend is someone that sticks close to you, who understands you, you have a kindred spirit with your friend, they're not judgemental or envious, nor jealous of you. When you have successful blessings in your life, they're not jealous, they are happy with your success. A friend is someone who is willing to tell you when you're wrong, or when you're making a mistake. They don't do it to be difficult but rather to help you from getting into a bad situation. A true friend is one who is quick to come to your aid. No matter what the circumstances they are with you. That is the way it is with Jesus. He will stay closer to you than any brother. He will always come to you in your worst of times. He will not judge you, but He is there to help you and comfort you. There is a song that says "what a good friend we have in Jesus". That is so true! You could not have a better friend in your life. Knowing that He is always there and He will never leave you or foresake you. When you're at your lowest point He does not shy away from you, but He waits eagerly for you to ask Him for help. We must always bear this in mind, because we go through so many hills and valleys in our life that we need someone to give us hope, and a desire to press on. That hope is in Christ Jesus. He will watch you as you go through your troubles, He's always teaching you even in your struggles, that after you have suffered a while He won't let you suffer more than you can bear. He will pick you up, dust you off, turn you around, and put you back where you belong. He will settle you, strengthen you, and re-establish you. It should feel good knowing that you have a friend like this. We should strive to be the same way towards our friends. We should be supportive, not judgemental, and always have a heart to love and support. This is the way Christ wants us to live and get along with each other. If we love each other the way Christ has loved us, He said there will be a reward at the end of it all.

Blessings to everyone, Jasper.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Why Not Let Go

Hello my name is Jasper, and I do love you. Have you ever watched a cowboy movie and they're dragging a man behind a running horse? He goes from so much dirt and thorns and he gets hurt because the horse is dragging him so fast , well that is the way some of us live our lives... As if we're being dragged by a running horse. We can't seem to stop, despite the pain we are going through. We have no control over our lives as we zig-zag from one thing to another. Well just like that cowboy if you could only let go, you would stop hurting, you would regain control of your life, and you would have a chance to stand up and view life clearly. What I am saying is if you're in turmoil and confusion just let go, and let God handle things. He knows the beginning and the end of fate. He will guide us through the wilderness of this world, as he said in his word I will always give you what you need! We must learn to believe that, and look for it in our lives. I have watched how he has taken care of some of my friends, and it has made my faith stronger. I have known people to let go of a job, relocate, may be even have to cut someone out of their life, but just let go of whatever is hurting you, and give it to God. I want to speak more about marriage...there would be less trouble between husband and wife if they would just let go of these jealous feelings, envy, selfishness, being stubborn, and let God's word show you how to take care of your spouse. A husband is supposed to be head of the household, he should not be a wimp, but also not controlling. His wife is a gift from God. She will always help him, if he allows her to. He should not be so headstrong, that he wont listen to his wife. God gave her certain abilities and she can sense things that you can't! Often times your wife will feel something before it happens, and she may try to worn you, but your male ego won't allow you to listen, then you have to come back after you fell into the pit that she tried to warn you of, with your head down saying and I quote "yes dear you were right all along".  She should feel protected by you she should feel secure and content. Husbands should learn first how to take care of a woman before you marry one.  Now wives, you also  should learn how to care of your husband. You should get to know him, study him, learn his moves, likes and dislikes. A smart wife knows her position and her power, and she knows in her own way how to get her husband to do exactly what she wants.  She knows that she is smarter than he is without letting him know it. She has love for her husband, she is not his enemy, but rather a valuable asset to him. She knows how to step back and allow him to be the man, and still hold her head high. As my mother used to say "tongue and teeth fall out with each other sometimes, but they still exist in the same mouth". A husband and wife must realize that everyday may not be sunny and bright, but when you go through the storm together, supporting one another, and trusting God you become stronger.  I am just trying to make a point that instead of always putting your mate down, back stabbing them, manipulating them, you should support them. Love, understanding, commitment, honesty, these are a few of the tools that will provide a healthy marriage. These things are just my opinion, some of them are my life's experience. I just want to help you get through some of the rough spots, you will encounter in your marriage, but if you ever get discouraged, doubtful, or unsure, remember let go and let God handle it. Again, my name is Jasper be blessed.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

As for me and my house.... We will serve the Lord

Hello, my name is Jasper, a lot of people are going through their lives today, lost in a world of confusion, frightened, and not knowing where to turn. The children seem unruly, you're stressed on your job, there is always a lack of provisions in your home. You have husbands who don't know how to care for their wives, and you have wives who don't know how to hold on to their husbands. The reason these things happen in your life is because you don't know Lord Jesus. When you don't know the lord, you run around doing unnecessary things and often times you're out of control and don't even know it. If the husband who is the head of the family is getting his direction from the lord he'll know how to treat, and care for his wife. Infidelity won't cross his mind, he'll enjoy going to work everyday to care for his family. He won't run the streets and get drunk, do drugs, but rather he'll find his pleasure where his heart is, at home. It is written, he that finds a wife, finds a good thing. He will recognize and appreciate that, in finding his wife. A lot of men don't even realize when they have been blessed with the wife from the lord. A lot of women and wives don't like the idea of following the desires of her husband. They seem to want to defy him at every turn. The husband is who the lord holds responsible if the marriage fails. It is hard to be a leader of something if your followers won't follow you, but when a wife is willing to submit to her husband, support him, follow him, she is also following the lord, and in turn what she learns from the lord she will pour into the children. The end result is you have a Christian household, and the entire house will be blessed. When you follow the lord your problems do not seem that bad.  He will fill every void in your life. Your wife will be good to you, because you're good to her. Jesus will give you patients, tolerance, understanding, empathy for another person, and most of all peace and understanding. It is written, the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge, that is why those who do not know him are not as smart as they think. So live your life the way you see fit. Do all those things that to you see as important, but as for me and my house, we will serve the lord. Again, my name is Jasper, God bless.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tough Times

Hello, my name is Jasper and I want to talk about the tough times in our lives. Tough times, have you ever wondered or felt like you were the only one going through something, you may even ask why me ? Why am I having such a rough time? Nothing seems to work for me, like it does for other people. You may be an individual that has come to a point in your life where your back is totally against the wall, no friends, no family, no income, and no one to come and save you.  We all go through tough times in our lives, but I believe we do for a reason. The lord does not make your life rough for you on purpose. He loves us too much, to make us suffer, but he will allow you to experience some feelings from your situation. He watches over us, and he always teaches us a lesson in life. He knows you will not listen to anybody, and you believe you can do it all on your own, so he allows you to go through a tough time to remind you, that you're just human and you dont really control anything, but he knows when you've lost that job, stressed out because you cant pay bills, lost your new car, wife wants to leave, you and some individuals may have to go through all of this before they think of Him.  Even though you're going through something like that he is still with you, just waiting for you to say lord help me. I know I cant go on like this, I have nowhere else to turn, so now I am asking you please hear my cry, and have faith after your prayer and he will surely turn things around for you. Sometimes we human beings get arrogant and stubborn, and think we're better than everyone else. The lord frowns on pride, because the wisest man who ever lived said that pride goes before a fall. So when you have too much pride in yourself look out, you're going to start messing up somewhere down the road. When the lord blesses you with something, be humble and thankful, because he is showing you favor that you do not deserve. We mess up sometimes and do things we know we shouldnt do, but when we ask him he is quick to forgive, and we should thank him from the bottom of our hearts, for showing us grace and mercy. So in your walk through life when you come to a situation where you find yourself going through a difficult time, consider it all to be joy. It is just the lords way of building your character, making you strong, keeping you humble, and do not worry he is still in control of your situation. Just be strong, steadfast, keep your faith, and he will pick you up and put you where you need to be. I tell you this brothers and sisters hoping it will strengthen your faith, because I've been there. I have had my back touch the wall many times, many times I did not know where my next meal would come from. I was locked into a lifestyle that I could not shake off, but the lord was with me all through my situation. He fed me, he kept a roof over my head, he put caring people in my life, and he pulled me through. Trust in him, and he will do the same for you. Again, my name is Jasper and I love you.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Going Through

Hello my name is Jasper,
We all go through difficult times, and get into difficult circumstances for some of us the situation seems hopeless. I am a quadriplegic so I have had these feelings that things wont turn out good for me at the end of the day, but then I am reminded of who I belong to, and who I am in life. The lord does not bring you to a certain level or certain point, and then leave you hanging as he said in his word, I will never leave you nor forsake you. So we should be reminded of that when going through difficult times. We must have faith, and believe that no matter what the circumstance may be it will all come out good for you in the end. He loves us dearly and he does not take us through bad times to punish us, but he is always teaching. Sometimes for some people they have to go through something, experience it first hand before they see the big picture, I know this all too well because I am also an addict. I went through years of hardship, low self esteem, and confusion, and it remained that way until the lord put me in a situation where I could slow down, and really see what life is all about. He put me in a situation so I could be closer to him than I ever been before. When you're in a wheelchair and you don't have the use of your body, only your mind, your mouth, and your heart, you will think about the lord. Playtime is over, and it is time to be serious about your life. The lord showed me that life itself is a precious gift it is not to be abused, taken for granted, you should live each moment as though it was the last, and don't forget to pray to him give him all the credit, all the glory, and worship that you can. That is all he requires of us, is that we believe in him and worship, have faith in him, and live a holy life, if you can do this I guarantee you, he will bless you at the end of the day. I have had many wonderful things happen to me and the way they happen I know it had to be the lord. He did things for me that I could not do for myself he showed me favor when I didn't deserve it, and I thank him, and I praise him, and I place his name above all other names. Lord Jesus he is truly the lord of my life, make him the lord of your life he will guide your steps, open doors for you, and he will open your eyes to the truth. Again, my name is Jasper, be blessed, and be a blessing to someone.